1.5 yr old lip curled & growled at me

@ttmarlene You always want to respect a growl. If you don’t, you’re telling your dog that their growl doesn’t do anything, which can make them more likely to skip that step in the future and just go straight to a bite.
@ttmarlene A veterinarian taught me that growls should be respected. It prevents biting. It is a cue for space without violence. If you want to further agitate a dog who is asking for space you could cue kennel or place. I think OP is doing the safest thing. Respecting his ask.
When people say “they snapped out of nowhere” it’s likely because subtle cues or even growls weren’t respected and they resorted to more violent behavior. Especially if it was corrected
@bibletruths I mean sure, don’t keep petting the dog if he growls at you, but you just taught him that he owns the couch and he has the right and ability to make you leave his couch whenever. That’s not appropriate at all. Make him get off the furniture and go to his own space if he growls at you on your furniture. It’s your couch, not his.
@bibletruths "so I realize and respect that he may have just needed space" making excuses for his behaviour and second-guessing yourself is the reason why you are in this position. He obviously has no respect for you.
@bibletruths The worse thing one can do is allow a pet to growl and leave , this teaches the animal to control you with a growl next it will be bitting . If no medical issues find a dog trainer to teach you the correct techniques on training a dog . Good luck
@katelynn27 That’s actually not what most good trainers say. Ignoring the growl and not listening to it will lead the dog to bite next time because the growl didn’t work the first time. Everyone has different opinions but op I think you handled it perfectly, sorry you’re struggling with this.
@bibletruths If it’s not pain, it could still be resource guarding.
  1. Resource guarding the food you were cooking.
  2. Resource guarding the couch/space.
Does he have a history of resource guarding?

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