đź‘‹ Training plan for socializing 1.5 y/o Bernese who is somewhat fearful and dog reactive


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I have a trainer and we're working on foundational skills.at the moment. I'm also in a Fiesty Fido class for counter conditioning dog reactivity (LAT).

Our doggo is fearful when:
- there's only one person around
- the person is walking towards her
- someone stops and stares
- men

Oddly enough, she seems fine in any new outdoor setting and when there are many people walking around and minding their own business.

Would it be a bad idea to take her to a Starbucks with a plate of treats and just have people toss her treats from ~10'.away?

I plan to chat with my trainer next week, but looking for sonner thoughts
@vloggle I would wait and talk with your trainer. I know for my dog, that would be way too overwhelming and would cause him to react. But your dog may be ready for that situation, I don't know.
@vloggle Agreeing to wait to talk to your trainer about the strangers at Starbucks throwing treats.

Has your trainer talked about BAT? You could easily do a set up with a single person and later on work on them walking towards her or stopping and staring.

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