
  1. H

    We Finally Went to a Veterinary Behaviorist, Here's How it Went

    Marking this as a 'success' even though we have a long road ahead :) To condense a longer backstory into a shorter one: adopting Odin, my partially blind and fear-reactive rescue this past October was a major turning point for me. I’ve had dogs before, but this was my first time being the...
  2. S

    My dog (4 y.o. black lab, F spayed) and my parents' dog (3 y.o. pit bull/english bulldog, F unaltered) get along now

    Their first introduction didn't go very well, there was some growling and what we thought was an a attack-like lunge, neither was injured but we immediately separated them and kept them apart for three days, when they accidently met when one pushed a door open, and just sniffed each other. I'm...
  3. A

    My wonderful first day with Toccio-

    Hi! I posted a few days ago about my plans for and my concerns about adopting Toccio. I wanted to let you know a bit about our first two days, especially since they have gone so well, in no small part because of your warm support, encouragement and guidance. The entry plan worked so well...
  4. U

    We existed calmly in the back yard!

    We finally got some nice weather and I cleaned up the back yard and set up a chair and the elevated dog bed on the patio. We don’t have a fence yet so if I’m attempting training I usually double leash. I attach one leash to my waist and have the other to hold or step on. I decided to give it a...
  5. C

    Major Win Today

    Took my reactive dood and my little guy out for their 20 minute potty sniff walk today.. it’s a nice day in southern California so I figured I’d roll a joint for my stroll which I’ve quite literally never done while i’m out with the dogs. We had an insanely wonderful walk, finished my whole j...
  6. W

    [Success Story] Keep at it — it can get better!

    I first joined this community just over a year ago. My puppy Hiro had just turned one, and seemingly out of nowhere started freaking out when dogs came near (at it's worst, near meant 25-30 feet away). My partner and I were baffled, overwhelmed and upset. We watched youtube videos, hired a...
  7. G

    What a day!

    Our almost 3 yr old Bishop is dog reactive (aggressive) and people reactive (avoidant). Hubs and I were having a fire in the fire pit and our friend wandered over a bit tipsy. He’s expressed fear of B before. We put both dogs in the house and after ten min let them into the yard. Initially - B...