
  1. I

    Good Plays, Still Cautious

    I wrote about two of our dogs, O (2M neutered) and E (8month F intact, reactive), and their recent relationship change post-heat with E. I went to the vet with E and we were prescribed an anti anxiety med. It has helped so much! She is less scream-y and less reactive toward O. We’ve gotten to...
  2. R

    Only time I’m grateful for my dog’s reactivity

    My boyfriend and I often take our dog (1 year old ACD/pit/Rottweiler mix) to the grocery store down the street. One of us waits outside with him and the other runs in and shops. It’s a great opportunity for him to observe people, shopping carts, etc from a distance and he usually does amazingly...
  3. D

    I think someone else is in my dogs body

    No, but seriously. She turned 3 and it's like I have a totally different dog. For some background, I got Hellena in 2019. When I first got her is when I noticed something wasn't right. She shivered and melted into the ground. Terrified. Of everything. Of course the obvious stuff like a plastic...
  4. J

    A f*ckin MIRACLE

    My rescue Malinois, Dreidel (14 mo), is terribly reactive when people try to pet him, due to trauma before I got him. I’ve worked on socialization and desensitization non-stop since I adopted him. And yes, I have multiple “do not pet” signs on him. He will come up and sniff people and accept...
  5. H

    Least stressful visit ever to particularly triggering place!

    TLDR - Our noise-phobic girl went through the area where she had her traumatic event and would always cause her to get pretty close to/over threshold but today it ended up being a 9 out of 10 outing! 14-month old golden with very specific noise fears and general anxiety. She is fearful of...
  6. M

    I started rewarding the first 1-2 barks, then i check on the offender, end with a “thank you, that’s enough”

    I feel like they’re responding well to praise and me double-checking their work. They used to carry on, but now make eye contact with me after alerting, and wait for me to check on it, and will leave it. At worst, one of them will grumble in her inside voice. I’ve been trying to work on...
  7. C

    Used the “he’s not friendly!” line for the first time

    My dog isn’t un-friendly. He’s dog reactive but love love loves to play once introduced. So I’ve avoided using that line to stop other owners from approaching for 3 reasons: - I’m 100% focused on managing him - It’s not true but there’s no succinct way to accurately describe his behavior, so...
  8. W

    Our Christmas success was actually… really sad

    My boy (3y/o, border collie) has been getting better and better as he gets older, but he still does NOT do well with new people in his space. Well, for Christmas we had 11 people. He knows nine of them, so while he was wary, he was fine with them once he recognized them all. Well, two were...
  9. G

    Another success! 5th one in less than 2 weeks after 7 months of hell.

    Well, this was our first happy visit and it has left me speechless. My sweet Artemis was finally able to be sweet with 2 total strangers for the first time ever. They filled her up with cheese and turkey treats! It got to the point that she stopped taking the treats. They even had me remove her...
  10. L

    It’s like we have a new dog

    I posted in this sub at the beginning of the year when my big reactive border collie lab mutt (3y) bit my little chiweenie (10y) for the second time since we’ve had the big guy. I asked for advice and didn’t necessarily receive anything helpful other than the indirect suggestion to do BE...
  11. T

    Update: I’m using a gentle leader it’s changing my life

    My little guy did so well today I wrote on here a few days ago about how upset I was and how I didn’t know if I could keep him now he’s doing so well. Tons of people came out around him and he barked but he looked at me and did really well I was honestly amazed. I’m using medication for him as...
  12. P

    Singing the praises of L.A.T

    LAT, or engage/disengage, is the best thing I ever taught my dog! We’ve been walking this way for 10 months and we can pass people (adults) on the same sidewalk within a few feet, and dogs on the other side of the street aren’t difficult to pass, provided the treats come fast and often. My dog...
  13. V

    Progress with our reactive doggo

    Z is our reactive (eager greeter), 1.5 y/ Bernese Mountain Dog. We've had her since she was a puppy and 2 of her siblings are also barkers. In April of this year, we moved and I had more time to focus on her reactivity. I knew enough to try on my own, but I was getting nowhere. I joined a...
  14. M

    (Repost with edit) What a difference a year makes…to new reactive dog owners, don’t give up hope

    I joined this sub a little over a year ago at a low point with our reactive pup. She was almost 2 yo at the time - a working line GSD, and our first ever dog, so we were completely in over our heads. She was a perfect puppy until around 6 mos – happy, sweet, knew all the basic obedience commands...
  15. K

    Reactive dog and new dog settling in (long update)

    This is an update to a previous post It’s been about six months since I found a stray dog and brought her into my home, which includes my husband, me, and our six year old dog, Martin. We’d been working with a vet behaviorist to manage Martin’s reactivity when the new dog came into our lives...
  16. B

    We went into town today!

    *Context* - skip this paragraph for the success story My dog is a 11month, Wolfhound X Catahoula mix. We got him in May and he had never been off the stockyard, literally no socialisation, hadn't seen a leash before and came to us as a 'blank slate' in terms of commands. Using a clicker we've...
  17. H


    I pulled the trigger and bought the neon leash that said NO DOGS for my pup who reacts to other dogs. Weather was crummy so we hit a small local state park knowing it would be quiet. It was surprisingly busy, but everyone gave us space! Everyone! We were able to smoothly pass everyone on the...
  18. H

    We Finally Went to a Veterinary Behaviorist, Here's How it Went

    Marking this as a 'success' even though we have a long road ahead :) To condense a longer backstory into a shorter one: adopting Odin, my partially blind and fear-reactive rescue this past October was a major turning point for me. I’ve had dogs before, but this was my first time being the...
  19. S

    My dog (4 y.o. black lab, F spayed) and my parents' dog (3 y.o. pit bull/english bulldog, F unaltered) get along now

    Their first introduction didn't go very well, there was some growling and what we thought was an a attack-like lunge, neither was injured but we immediately separated them and kept them apart for three days, when they accidently met when one pushed a door open, and just sniffed each other. I'm...
  20. A

    My wonderful first day with Toccio-

    Hi! I posted a few days ago about my plans for and my concerns about adopting Toccio. I wanted to let you know a bit about our first two days, especially since they have gone so well, in no small part because of your warm support, encouragement and guidance. The entry plan worked so well...