
  1. R

    Barking interpretation: how to tell the difference?

    My dog barks a fair amount. 1. She barks at passers by and rabbits from the window and the same when outside. No tail wagging. Once the stimulus is gone, it stops. 2. At night, she paces the front yard, barking at the nothing in particular. I think it’s her territorial anxiety. 3. She barks...
  2. E

    What are the dog park rules?

    I’ve had my pup for 7 months now and his favorite thing to do is play with other dogs. He does great in almost every situation now but when he really wants something he can get pretty crazy. We’ve tried going to the dog park twice, both times he was barking uncontrollably at a pretty small...
  3. S

    My 2 year old Iraqi Shepard’s stool. I’m worried

    Hi everyone. I have a 2 year old Iraqi Shepard. He’s a high energy, loving pal. Well today I took him outside and his stool was very liquidy and a mix of diarrhea and a mucus like substance. He’s on regular food and hasn’t had a change in mood. He still plays and everything. But I’m worried...
  4. T

    Red areas on our dog’s mouth (doesn’t look like puppy warts)

    Got our 10 month back from boarding at his usual place. I noticed these spots on the base of both sides of his mouth look a bit red. Not exactly sure what it is but I don’t think it’s puppy warts. He had them a few months ago and looked different. Would have happened within a 4 day span. Any...
  5. C

    How to introduce a leash-reactive dog to new dogs?

    Hi everyone, I’m looking for advice on strategies for introducing my very frustrated greeter to other dogs. He has almost 0 threshold for seeing other dogs without crying, barking, and lunging but is perfect off leash and at daycare. However, he has 0 recall and so must be leashed when arriving...
  6. S

    Has anybody ever kept a dog from one of their litters or gotten a dog from a litter they watched grow up?

    We have 2 females that each had litters about 3 weeks ago resulting in 9 puppies total. I plan to get at least one of the puppies if not two and am having a very difficult time choosing, there are 7 females and 2 males. The moms are my parents and I am planning to move out soon after the puppies...
  7. N

    Cryptorchid Testes - should pet insurance cover this?

    This is mostly a question for U.K. dog owners but any advice on this is very much appreciated. I was wondering if anyone has had any luck getting their pet insurance to cover surgery to remove cryptorchid testes? My 7 mo border collie’s testes are both M.I.A and he needs quite extensive...
  8. T

    How do you deal with the “Don’t worry! He’s friendly!” type of owners?

    2 dogs rushed me and my 6 month old pup today. At 50 yards away, the first dog took off in a full sprint towards us. My dog started barking and got behind me. I stepped in between them before they made contact but the other one just went around me to get to my dog. They sniffed each other...
  9. D

    Looking for advice for an anxious 2 year old Staffy x Shih Tzu

    Hi there, Im hoping I can learn something new here as we have a super anxious pup who, at the moment, we feel like we are letting down. She's always been an anxious bean ever since she was a puppy (we've both had dogs for 20+ years) and this is the first time we've ever noticed a dog like this...
  10. 2

    I Think i adopted a Abused or24/7 caged Dog, Advice in helping her Socalize?

    i adopted a verry sweet 4 Year old Siberian Husky earlier today she was... to say the least verry timid in the car ride to Petsmart & Home almost as if she was \Scared** to be in the car. she was open to being petted by strangers while we had her with us at Petsmart, and showed some signs of...
  11. R

    Should I ReHome my dog?

    I’ve had my dog, we will call her X, since she was a puppy. My boyfriend at the time bought her and when we broke up he did not want her. I kept her even though I could not afford to nor did I have any time at home between full time school and full time work. Was this a stupid decision? Yep. But...
  12. K

    Dog Put Down Treats

    We have three dogs all rescues, two are older M(10?), F(7/9?) and one is younger M(3). The female Stella, puts her treats down in front of her or in her bed and lays down when we give them to her. They can be high value treats or regular treats. She eventually eats them - sometimes a few...
  13. J

    Slightly reactive GSD - am I training right?

    Hi there, I have an 18 month old GSD. She's due to be neutered at the end of this month, she's also a rescue dog, had her since she's 4 months old but she was a street dog. I use a slip lead for street walking (where we're likely to see dogs). She is slightly lead reactive, I say slightly as...
  14. J

    Cat Scratch Leads to Full Body Dog Infection

    Please help. Educated or experienced dog and cat owners - need some interpretation. My brother brought his unicorn cat to visit with our other brother and sister n law who have a dog. Dog unknowingly stepped over cat, startling the cat. Cat swiped dog’s nose in response/defense. No one...
  15. M

    CHF… but what if the meds never help?

    Last week my dog had a few fainting episodes, which prompted our vet visit. Background : Vet: I don’t have much experience with this vet, we moved and admittedly haven’t kept up with all routine visits due to funds. Dog: My dog Munchie, she is a rescue, she was an adult at the time of rescue...
  16. J

    Traveling w/ 3 yr old American Bully

    Does anyone know how I can travel with my dog? She is an American Bully and most airlines won’t accept her as cargo because she is part of the “brachycephalic” breeds. But, I also can’t put her in the cabin with me as she weighs over 20lbs. The trip is domestic, what can I do?
  17. K

    Neutering - post surgery tips

    Hi all, we’re getting our guy neutered this coming Thursday (he’s 2.5 years old) and while I’m not super nervous about the actual surgery part, I am more nervous about the after care. I realize my vet will give me general details like no physical activity for 10-14 days, take him out on a...
  18. M

    1 year vs 2 years vs 3 years

    Hi 👋🏻 I heard that GSDs stop growing at around 12 months but still filling out until 2.5-3 years old. Curious to see the change, so please share your before after photos. Thanks!
  19. K

    1 Year Old Golden Retriever (F) Depressed and Peeing/Pooping inside home after I Got a 2 Month Old GSD (M) Puppy

    Hi, this is my first reddit post and I wanted to ask why my 1 Year Old Golden Retriever female dog is not only less active and not engaging with us like she used to but also Peeing and Pooping inside home (she is potty trained and never pooped or peed inside the house) after I Got a 2 Month Old...
  20. T

    Pissing dog

    My dog (7months f) won’t stop pissing in my and my roommate’s bedrooms, whenever we left the door open she’ll come inside and piss on the bed or on the floor. When she’s outside of our room she never piss and wait do do it outside, I don’t understand.