puppy 101

  1. A

    9 Week Old Puppy Died at Puppy School Today

    I'm still in shock and disbelief so bear with me in my writing of this. I brought home my mini longhaired dachshund, Olive, about a week and a half ago at 8 weeks old. I waited for her for about 6 months and was so excited to bring her home and have a dog of my own for once.After some serious...
  2. T

    chew recommendations

    Our baby (corgi cardigan 9m) loves chew treats, but a lot of them last such a small amount of time for her. We found a coffee tree stick that she loves here I was wondering if anyone had any other recommendations for an avid chewer? Also the coffee tree stick is calorie neutral. What do you...
  3. D

    I’m starting to resent my puppy

    I feel bad writing this and worse feeling this way, but I’m at a loss. My almost 5 month old puppy has been increasingly fearful of EVERYTHING the whole time I’ve had her (2 months). She is noise sensitive, and I live in a big city so going outside for anything is a painful experience. She was...
  4. M

    Struggling with the R+ approach to “off limits” areas

    So I want my kitchen to be an off-limits space for my dog. This is a rule we had with all of our dogs growing up and we’d just tell them "out!” if they crossed the ‘threshold’ and they usually caught on pretty quickly that they weren’t allowed in the kitchen. The tone we used was definitely more...
  5. J

    foster xL pit hurting me during walks

    The pit mix (70 pound unneutered male) i am currently fostering was abandoned in a rental house. he has a good personality but he has obviously been hit in the face and had absolutely no leash training when i got him. he is about a year old and i have been fostering him since november. he is...
  6. N

    Introduction of a 1.5 yr old puppy to existing 2 yr old puppy

    So I walked into an SPCA Mega-Adoption event and walked out with a beautiful Carolina Dog-mix male puppy of 1.5 years old. We already have a 2 yr old male Boxer at home, and we're looking to get them acclimated with each other. What type of tips or habits should I get them accustomed to during...
  7. F

    Schedule for a 5.5 m/o puppy

    So, my standard poodle puppy is usually pretty fantastic in the house and hadn't had an accident at all since she was 3 months old... until today, when she pooped in the house right after having been let out! So obviously I can't let her have free roam anymore and need to restrict her freedom...
  8. K

    Y’all I’m at my wits end with all of this and I’m about to cry. I don’t know if I can do this

    My 9 month old pup has been so healthy and a great dog. However the last 3 weeks he’s been getting diarrhea. He was treated with meds, and things were looking good. However a few days ago it came back full force. Another vet trip, more meds, and this time anti diarrheal meds and probiotics...
  9. S

    Should I get my puppy at 12 weeks or wait till he’s trained at 6 months?

    Hey everyone, hope you can offer some advice. I’m getting a Labrador retriever puppy from a reputable breeder that also offers training. I’ve done a lot of research on them and a few weeks ago I visited and picked out my puppy (and put down a deposit). I’m super excited to get him but I’m a...
  10. M

    Adopting a puppy soon - need advice on puppy's temperament (video below)

    Hi guys! I'm planning to adopt a puppy (8 weeks) soon. Here is a video from his foster parent What do you guys think of the puppy's temperament? Any advice / suggestions are appreciated!
  11. A

    People constantly asking to pet puppy

    I have a five month old Anatolian Shepherd mix (maybe with some Newfoundlander) rescue, and he’s a very pretty puppy. When we go out for walks, people are constantly asking to pet him. Even if we’re just sitting by the river and relaxing, people will come up to him and try to pet him and I have...
  12. M

    [VENT] 1 y/o puppy not snuggly :(

    My 1 year old golden retriever puppy is just not snuggly and it makes me SAD. I know he loves me. He follows me everywhere including the bathroom and is depressed when I leave (according to my partner). But because it’s not MY love language, the relationship just doesn’t always feel fulfilling...
  13. I

    10 Reasons Why My Puppy Is An A-Hole

    Said puppy is estimated to be about 8 months old, she was found with her litter on the side of the road and we kept her. She looks like a dachshund x bodybuilder and behaves like if a jack russell terrier x demon chugged 5 redbulls. A condensed list of reasons why she is a complete A-Hole: She...
  14. J

    Oh, my G-d…Stop Humping!

    My Labradoodle is six months old. He has a very special relationship with two of his stuffed animals. They must be humped every two minutes. This I can acknowledge as typical behaviour, and more-or-less live with. But why for the love of all that is holy, must these stuffies be brought to my...
  15. R

    Hey all, so I’ve been training my collie(she’s nearly 6 months) I’m a first time owner and have a few questions :)

    I’ve been using treats to train obedience and discipline and using the cue ‘yess’ once she’s done the correct behaviour she loves it and knows exactly what it means but I’m trying to wean her off the treats, is it fair to still use the word ‘yes’ and not give a treat every time? She doesn’t mind...
  16. J

    It’s over, i’m not the favorite

    i’ve posted about this before and some people made mean comments if you’re thinking about doing it, please don’t context: i’ve been dealing poorly with depression, ADHD, anxiety and insomnia for a few months my husband is the best person in earth, just a ray of sunshine and the best person i...
  17. S

    Weird cut/graze?

    N.b. Got a vet appointment booked on the 30th Pup has these weird grazes on his leg. The fresh one looks like a normal graze but the other one has little black bits on it which I'm worried about. Any ideas? https://postimg.cc/QVWJJLpV https://postimg.cc/gX1qb4PY
  18. D

    A recipe for treats (I made over 1000 just now, super easy and quick!)

    There was a post by /@wildatheart41 which I commented on here, talking about how I made baby food, cream of wheat, and milk powder treats. I just made a batch in the pyramid trays I was talking about and it's a success! 1018 treats -- 509 per batch -- in about 40 minutes (and I go kinda slow)...
  19. T

    Is Royal Canin worth the price tag?

    I have a 4 month Frenchton and I’ve had him on Royal Canin since the day I got him. I did a lot of research before I got him and ultimately it seemed like Royal Canin was the superior brand and was best for puppies. Anyway, I go to a local pet store and they asked what food I have him on, they...
  20. T

    [X-post from /r/dogs] Is this normal for a 3.5-month old puppy? (Fear, Biting, etc)

    Okay, so I'm starting to get concerned. We adopted a rescue about a month ago, and have been working hard to socialize him. I'm starting to get scared that we may have overplayed our hand. He is suddenly scared of a lot of things that did not use to be scary. Air conditioners on the street can...