
  1. A

    Indoor enrichment toys/“jobs” for your ACDs

    I keep hearing that high-energy dogs like ACDs enjoy jobs or tasks, but haven’t found much relevant to the indoors. I work from home and want to keep my 1.5 y.o. pup entertained, but she seems to get bored of bones/antlers pretty quick, and usually defaults to pulling all the stuffing out of her...
  2. S

    Waking up extra early

    Hey everyone, Our 9 month old ACD has typically slept in till 6 to 6:30 for the past several months. This week however he has decided to start waking up at 5 and in turn waking everyone else up. We have tried taking him on uneventful potty breaks and putting him back in his crate, but to no...
  3. H

    How do I let my dog know I love him and he’s a good boy? He has lost his hearing

    He’s nearly 11 and has been gradually losing his hearing, but it is officially gone now, I have brought him to the vet to see if he had an ear infection that somehow made it worse, but it’s just age. I’m heartbroken. He’s the kind of dog where you tell him “hello” and his tail furiously wags...
  4. M

    Dog in first heat, peeing in diapers :(

    Our 8 month old Cavalier is in her first heat. She started on 4/9 and is still in the bleeding phase. She’s bleeding enough to where we are having her wear diapers in the house (we have 3 kids, 3 cats, and an older dog so anything to minimize extra clean up is necessary lol). anyways, our...
  5. A

    Help! My wife and I brought out dog to quarantine with her family, and he's being aggressive with their dog and HER DAD :(

    My wife and I brought our 4 year old dog G to her parents house to quarantine. He went after their dog L today, about an hour after we got here (they had been playing together and hanging out previously), and then snapped at her again a couple hours later. Way worse, G snapped at her dad later...
  6. M

    The "Dogloaf" (x-post /r/Puppy101)

    My husband and I brought home an 11 week old puppy yesterday. While I've trained puppies before, I've never seen one this disinterested in the world around it, and food. I have a vet appointment scheduled for her monday morning, but until then I was going to try and get her some socialization...
  7. B

    Puppy Feeding Clarification Help

    Puppy is pomeranian-mix female, 4 months, ~2.6 lbs or approximately 1.18kg. Her vet recommended food is: It has 412 calories/Cup Based on their feeding guide it states she needs around 33g of food/day or...
  8. H

    Adding a second ACD to the herd (see what I did there?)

    Hey y'all! I rescued my first ACD back in November, she's a blue heeler and she'll be 3 in October. I've loved having her so much that I decided it was time to look into rescuing another heeler. I'm in the process of inquiring about a 5/6 y/o male red heeler who has a pretty much identical...
  9. C

    3 legged German shepherd (9 months old) chews up every blanket or bed I give her

    My German shepherd puppy keeps chewing up anything I give her to lay on. She's put a big hole in my older dogs bed and is always putting her nose in the hole pulling out more stuffing..she is kennel trained but she destroys any towel or blanket I put in for her. She has left one bed alone
  10. C

    6 y/o dog doesn't correct puppy when puppy is obviously being too rough

    Looking for guidance here... I have a 6 y/o Border Collie (Shiloh) and a 12 w/o Greater Swiss Mountain Dog (Magnus). They play really, really well together most of the time, but Magnus doesn't really have an off switch when it comes to rough housing unless I give him an enforced nap. There have...
  11. M

    4 stray puppies and their mother followed me home

    As the title says, 4 stray puppies and their mother followed me home they seem to be around a month or so old because they can walk. I live in a third world country, i am poor, and i have no means of taking care of them. I have tried finding shelters but to no avail. They are stuck with me, and...
  12. C

    How to manage 2 dogs in 1 house? 3yo F & 4month M

    For those that have 2 dogs in the 1 household, how do you manage boundaries and training? I currently have a 4 month male pup and a 3 years old desexed female. We've had the younger pup for about a month now and for the most part, they get along. The older pup has full reign of the house...
  13. L

    Dog stopped eating (from bowl)

    It’s a bit of an odd situation so I would like other peoples perspective on it. I’ll try to explain it in as much relevant detail as possible. I have 2 dogs, Z & P. Z has always been crazy for food so I got her one of those plastic slowfeeder bowls about a year or 2 ago. P has always eaten from...
  14. R

    Babysitting a 5 month old puppy with 0 toilet training. Any and all advice welcome!

    I'm not even sure if this is the place to post, it's a bit of a stab in the dark! My husband and I are babysitting my BIL's 5 month old kelpie x staffy. The little thing has absolutely NO toilet training- it's to the point where it's like he can't control when he pees, it just happens. He also...
  15. E

    Rottweiler Barking Training

    Hey yall. I have a 6 month old puppy. He follows commands such as Here, Sit, Down, Stay, Go, and NO very well. But I CAN NOT get a bark out...ever! He spoke a few times back when he was 2-3 months out of excitement. but now he's just not interested in making a sound besides wining...quietly too...
  16. M

    Is this another phase?

    Our girl (1yr and 3mo) has become increasingly aggressive in the last month or two. We have her on a pretty set schedule where she takes a two-hour walk from 7:00am-9:00am and eats at 9:00am, 2:00pm, and 6:00pm. Between feedings, we throw the ball for her for about ten minutes (or until she lays...
  17. J


    Hello everyone! I have a question for you regarding barking.. I am always trying to grow, find better solutions, & create a better environment as a dog momma for my 3 furbabies. I am stuck - I am well aware of how this breed is & like to think i know quite a bit about dog breeds (i have work...
  18. T

    Did I traumatize my dog with an e-collar?

    I got an e-collar to assist with recall training. It came in the mail 4 days ago and while trying to find her level her reaction went from nothing to loud yelp from one setting to the next. I put it away and have not used it since. Anyway, since that day she has seemed lethargic and skittish...
  19. S

    First night w 9 week old puppy and she’s crying in the crate

    dog tax Update: We put her in a travel carrier she was sleeping in before we got her and she calmed way down and was able to sleep in a few hour intervals. So I guess we’ll use that and then work on transitioning her from it to the crate. Do I take her out every time she cries? And then just...
  20. A

    9 yr pitbull mix loves 6-7 yr Chihuahua mix, but sometimes sudden fights break out

    Hi! We've had Dog A (9yr Pittie mix female spayed) for 8 years of her life. She's a cute and loving dog, we got Dog B (then 2, now 6-7 Chihuahua mix also female spayed) and they've loved each other for such a long. The problem is that they occasionally get into scuffles that can be a bit scary...