
  1. M

    My dog isn’t safe around my baby. Is it time for BE?

    My dog is a German Shepherd mix (probably pit bull, knowing my hometown). To be clear, we did not want a pit bull. He looked like a sweet little German shepherd puppy when we brought him home from the local rescue. However, his head shape started to change as he grew up. This dog is one of the...
  2. A

    Can I be allergic to dog Urine?

    Don’t know if this is the right sub Reddit to post on or if I even used the right tag. Anyways I’m pretty much allergic to pet dander and dust very important for later. Basically my dog who’s 1 year and 7 months old he’s a mini poodle and he does not flair up my allergies. Anyways he is potty...
  3. K

    My dog's temperament changed drastically after the older one died

    Hi, here's some context: My S/O adopted a mixed husky puppy (female, we'll call her Boo) before I met him. When it was about 2 years old, it got hit by a car and developed cluster seizures because of the brain trauma it suffered. For the next 6 years, she would have 5-9 seizures every 2-3...
  4. T

    Questions about MPL diagnosis

    We have an almost 4 year old Westie female who is healthy and highly active. Starting last week she seemed very unstable when standing, spreading out her legs wide to keep upright. After a few days tremors started when she stood, or just after lying down. We took her to our vet who took X-rays...