
  1. E

    🐾 Calling all Dog Owners! 🐾

    I'm a Product Design MSc student at Cardiff Metropolitan University, and I need your help! I'm conducting a survey on spaying and neutering, and I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences as a dog owner. If you're passionate about responsible pet ownership, please spare a few minutes...
  2. P

    Help with possible fleas?

    Hi everyone! First time dog owner here, have had my sweet boy about 6 months. Last night when I was walking him, I felt something in my hair and pulled out a small bug - didn’t think anything of it. This morning I was giving him a belly rub and found one on his stomach, thus leading me into a...
  3. M

    Dog epilepsy advice

    I am a new dog owner and I need some help and advice. My pit-terrier, Dusty, is 3 years old and has been with me for 3 days. We rescued him from a shelter after he had been homed, returned, rehomed (same owner), and returned again. Today, I was sitting with him watching tv and a scene came on...
  4. D

    Dog’s gums bleeding

    My dog, Ted is 7 years old. He’s always been a turbo chewer and annihilated most toys and bones with a day of getting them. The exception has been a natural ram horn that he loves and carries around. Yesterday I got him a edible peanut butter busy bone at Walmart as a treat. He grinds through...
  5. M

    We have two dogs. Just found out our daughter is super allergic

    So we have two dogs, a pit (7) and shih tzu (5), since they were a few months old. My daughter has really bad eczema and had a blood allergy test done and it came back that her value to dogs is 100 KU/L. Unfortunately, we have decided that it would be best for all three of them if we gave our...
  6. C

    Shiba inu puppy biting at rear and crying!

    I need help. My 6 month old Shiba puppy has been having problems with his rear for about 4 weeks now. I've managed to capture some examples in the video attached (can't attach videos in this sub soz :( ) to this post. Sometimes it gets so bad that he will run away crying and hide under the bed...
  7. B

    I have 3 Dogos I am now responsible for

    One of the has CPTSD and/or an allergy. Their dad is away so essentially they’re mine now for all intents and purposes. I can’t let anything happen to them but not exactly overflowing with resources to care for them as well as I want. Only had one dog before and he didn’t have any issues so I’ve...
  8. W

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome?? What to do

    TLDR: dog is frequently vomiting yellow mucus with blood specs accompanied by diarrhea, lethargy, and reduced eating/drinking. Vet does not have an answer after X-rays, blood work, specific tests, and diet changes have not worked in the past. My wife and I are looking for help with our 8 year...
  9. Z

    My dog has 2 bumps on his belly and they seem itchy

    They're an inch big and perfectly round bumps on his belly. I'm not sure if they're allergies or they're bug bites or worse. I don't have the money yet to visit the vet, but I will soon. I just need to know if this is urgent or not. If anyone knows anything about it, please comment. Thank you!
  10. E

    Sick dog

    My puppy, Finn, is about 3 months old. This past week he started having a really stuffy nose and sneezing a lot. As of about the last 24ish hours he won’t eat anything. Nothing. Not even a treat. And he hasn’t made any sounds. He’s going potty and stuff normally. He’s been eating a LOT of...
  11. O

    Help! My dog ate a whole bag of cheese

    My 80 pound 4 year old black lab just ate a whole half pound of American cheese by my cat knocking it off the counter. He eats a lot of crap and usually throws it up, but he is fine, just napping. Is he gonna be okay and what should I do?
  12. U

    2.5 year old dog having potty issues

    Our 2.5 year old Bernese/Retriever mix has always been great about not having accidents in the house, we've had him since he was a puppy and he was potty trained pretty quickly. For the past week, he's started to just stand outside the back door and refuse to go potty in the backyard. If you...
  13. J


    Hi all sorry, not sure if this allowed, just helping a friend with raising money for their loved family member Stripe.
  14. M

    Best remedy for your dogs allergies?

    My poor boy (1yr shephard mix) is itching himself crazy! Ive had his skin checked and he is on flea and tick prevention. I really think it is allergies based on the timing and places hes itching. Ive switched his food to a different protein which hasnt seemed to help, and have begun fish oil...
  15. E

    How can I help my dog lose weight?

    I have a 9 year old Corgi/Terrier mix, she weighs about 23 lbs and is a loaf. I have been trying to get her to lose some weight for almost 2 years now. She is on low cal weight loss food. I give her half a cup twice a day, sometimes she gets a spoonful of wet and 2 small pieces of freeze dried...
  16. L


    I just took my dogs to the vet and one tested positive for heartworm. We are debating on not providing treatment because we just can’t afford it right now. Just from a blood test and chest X-ray the vet quoted us for right around $700 usd. This doesn’t even start to account for the pills, shots...
  17. A

    My dog bit me and I’m not sure if I should take him to the vet

    I have a 4 year old pomeranian/shih tzu mix that is super sweet and friendly, however a little anxious and nervous sometimes since he was a pandemic puppy, but while we were on our walk before bedtime he picked something up outside and when i tried to get him to drop it and he wouldn’t, i tried...
  18. L

    Torn ACL

    Hi, my pup (almost 4 yo, 65 pound lab mix) tore his ACL yesterday. I have the surgery scheduled for 1/8. Does anyone have suggestions on what I can do between now and then to make him happier/more comfortable? We have pain meds from the ER, but wondering what things might make him feel better...
  19. J

    Am I allergic to my dog?

    Hey, so I have a 3 year old cockaleir (cocker spaniel x King Charles cavaleirl) and she needs pretty much daily brushing to avoid matting. Ive found if I brush her for more than 10 ish minutes I get red bumps on my forearms. I’m guessing it is an allergy thing but wanted to double check, maybe...
  20. B

    9 year old Lhasa Apso with forelimb bend

    Hi guys, My Lhasa Apso is 9 years old as of now. Since the past 1 year he has developed a bend in the left front leg and I feel it has been getting worse with time. He used to be the most energetic dog, jumping off couches, chasing squirrels, playing fetch for hours and what not. The leg has...