
  1. C

    7 month puppy losing hair behind ears and leg has redp bumps/spots

    As mentioned above, i have a 7 month boston terrier who is healthy generally and havent seen any issues with him. Recently i noticed his hair has been shedding from certain places a lot more and behind the ears its literally gone. Also has red spots on the inner front left leg. We did go to...
  2. W

    Finally figured out my pup's 4 month battle with diarrhea

    We have had a LONG process with our 8 month old Boston Terrier's GI tract. He started having diarrhea in October. Vet thought it was "garbage gut" because he tried a new treat - six weeks and three vet visits later he was diagnosed with giardia. We switched vets, did two rounds of giardia...
  3. L

    Why is my ACL mix limping?

    We rescued an Australian Cattle Dog mix (See Bottom of post for her breed breakdown from Embark) and she has been wonderful. We found her on the side of the road at ~12 weeks and she was covered in ticks, like welts everywhere, and several ticks still on her. She had no chip, no collar and...
  4. R

    Bully sticks…yay or nay? Vet says nay after x-rays.

    So long story short, we found our 11mo old corgi chewing on a sewing kit (don’t ask lol) and worried that he had chewed on/swallowed a sewing needle. We immediately went to the vet and had x-rays taken (only way to be 100% sure he’s ok). Luckily he wasn’t derpy enough (very surprised) to swallow...
  5. J

    Puppy walking in C shape since grooming

    We took our 16 week old Maltipoo for her first grooming 3 days ago, hoping we could just get rid of a few inches but sadly she had some matting (my fault) so the groomer advised to shave her off all the way. The whole procedure was super stressful for her- she was crying and barking the entire...
  6. N

    Fiona Apple, 8

    Hey y'all! This is Fiona Apple, 8. I picked her up in Orlando, FL, we lived in Miami where I grew up for almost three years together, and been in North Carolina since. She's a beast at every sport, would play herself to death, and loves to go longboarding with me once I tire her out enough to...
  7. D

    My dog is over weight, I’m amused

    TLDR at bottom lol So he is not neutered and just turned 2. We went into see the vet and got diagnosed with a UTI, got treatment. Anyway, he weighed 42 pounds. Last summer he was 38 pounds. The vet advised us to cut back his food a little and give little treats. Usually he gets treats for...
  8. H

    Neuter Question

    When did you get your dog neutered? He’s half heeler half border collie. My guy is 4 months old and 18 pounds. The shelter by me said 6 months for small/medium dogs and a year old for large dogs. I’m conflicted on whether he’s going to be medium or large.
  9. B

    Growth plate development V.S. 26% chance of breast cancer!? When should I spay my female dachshund?

    I was under the assumption that waiting until after the 2nd heat cycle to spay was the correct choice, but after a vet visit and short discussion I'm questioning that. I told my vet what I was planning and he almost immediately told me that he would do it before the first heat, and told me to...
  10. T

    Could I be over exercising my puppy?

    Not sure if I did the tag right but meh. I have a 6 month old German shepherd husky mix. I work an in person 7-3, 5 days a week. Because of that, I have made plans for Jasper while I'm gone so he isn't just sitting at home. Currently, he is at my brother and SILs house 3 days a week (M, W, F)...
  11. P

    Sago Palm trees are extremely toxic to dogs

    Feeling heartbroken right now. I was digging up a Sago palm from our yard (because they're prickly and not attractive) and when I looked around our puppy Daisy was chewing on one of the roots. I went inside and did some research and discovered that Sago palms are extremely toxic to dogs...
  12. H

    S/O to ASPCA poison control. If you don’t have hydrogen peroxide in your cabinet go buy it now

    My husband and I had puppy blues BADLY. We have had our chaos fur ball for 2 months, and things have slowly started getting better. Biting is almost non-existent at 5 months and she is starting to play with us rather than treat us like a pin cushion. Last night she was playing with her toys...
  13. C

    Confusing Royal Canin Kibble Language

    Can someone help me determine which kibble is optimal for my 8 pound English cocker spaniel puppy? The bags seem to make me think that due to him being around 25-30 pounds the medium puppy is best but then chewy's language notes something conflicting "For puppies up to 12 months between 21 & 55...
  14. A

    Concerning email from Embark DNA/Genetic Health Testing. Anyone please help me understand bc I’m scared. *not immediately life threatening

    I received this email from Embark in regards to my dog Theo, who is approximately 3 years old 50 lbs (he is a rescue so I do not know what kind of dog he is, yet, hence the DNA test) It is scaring me because I don’t exactly know what to do. I am not sure if this is something I should immediately...
  15. R

    Puppy sleeping

    Hello! My puppy is 7 months old Australian shepherd and beagle mix. I have had very little problems out of him which is a godsend! But he sleeps with his belly up in the air with his paws floppy. He had done this since i got him at 9 weeks old. It just concerns me for his safety (yes he does...
  16. J

    What to expect going into first heat?

    My almost six month old will be going into her first heat cycle soon, and I’m looking for some anecdotal advice about how best to care for her, keep her comfortable, how long to wait before spaying? What was your experience? P.S. her vet said that because she’s a bigger breed (lab/dobey mix) to...
  17. M

    Thoughts on fresh human grade food (e.g. JustFoodForDogs, Farmers Dog?)

    Our 13wk old Havanese puppy has never been too excited about his kibble (Royal Canin). He never finishes the full bowl and only eats a little bit of it at a time. He’s definitely a grazer so we pick up his bowl after 5mins of putting it down, no matter how much he’s eaten to enforce feeding...
  18. D

    1 yr old pup’s poops -dehydration?

    I’ve noticed my pups poops are more pellet like than one long log. Google said it could be dehydration(?) but she eats a raw diet and has access to water all day. She’s active, alert, hungry, and no signs of sickness. Just find it odd her poops resemble rocks. Anyone else experience something...
  19. S

    Raptor got into TomCat forbidden green blocks…

    My advice after this whole event: ask vet extra questions and have plan of action. Before you read: My boy will survive. He’s okay. 90% the same as always just tired from ordeal and annoyed. 24hr update: still bit achy from vomit ordeal but same ol cuddle ball. ————————————————————————— When I...
  20. L

    I'm so happy I delayed my puppies neutering!

    I rescued my puppy and the state laws require neutering after X amount of time for rescues. The time frame would of been 4.5 months for my guy. After research and talking to my vet they recommended at 12 months since he is going to be more than 45 pounds full grown. It got approved from the...