dog care

  1. N

    Dog swallowing big chunks of a bully stick?

    Our 2 year old shepherd mix has been getting up to going out a lot over the past few nights, which is way more than a rare one per night. We thought it might have been an upset stomach after eating some cooked chicken over the weekend. Her stools have been mixed - some more normal and cohesive...
  2. B

    Scratching and pulling hair out

    In the past two weeks, our 2 y/o dandie terrier mix, has taken to biting his hindquarters and pulling the hair out and even chewing it. During the day it doesn't seem to bother him as much, or if he's super distracted- like visiting with doggie friends. He doesn't have a whole lot of hair on his...
  3. T

    Dog with leaking anal gland

    Hi, I have a staffy x blue heeler that is releasing her anal gland at least once daily and some days twice. She isn’t in distress and isn’t scooting but will lick the affected area when the glands express. We recently added brown rice (roughly 4 weeks ago) to her daily dinner Which didn’t...
  4. L

    Puppy not getting enough sleep

    My fiancé and I adopted a miniature dachshund about a week ago. She’s about 3 months old and she’s supposed to be getting around 16-18 hours of sleep. Currently she’s only getting about 9. My fiancé is out of the house from 7:15 AM - 6 PM for work and I am out of the house from 2:30PM - 3:30...
  5. H


    Is it OK to give your dog vitamins, such as liquid B vitamins or C? Any ideas or suggestions?
  6. M

    Need dog tick removal advice

    What is the best way, medicine, shampoo, etc to remove dog ticks? I've tried everything, bathing, grooming, using home made remedies, anti tick shampoo, collors. And they still won't go! Is there any thing you guys suggest? My dog is a Pomeranian Spitz about 16 years old..... (Ik, She an oldie...
  7. C

    Extreme excess shredding

    Buckle up this might be long. It had been four months since my dog’s (lab pit mix, 6yo) last grooming and his shedding was getting particularly bad. So Wed (10/7) he went to the groomer. I pick him up and the groomer said he was worried as he found a bald spot and that the fur was coming off...
  8. D

    Looking for Veterinary advice on the best shampoo for doggos

    Are their any veterinarians on here that have recommendations for the best/safest dog shampoo? What do you guys wash your dogs with? My dog is constantly getting into things/digging outside & so he requires lots of baths unfortunately. S.n. I know it’s not good to give a dog too many baths...
  9. C

    Prolonged Kennel Cough, Med Side Effects, and Possible Anxiety

    So our 4.5 month old frenchie has had kennel cough for over a month now; he has a hacking cough, that is mostly unproductive. Lately, he's been getting up around 2am and having a coughing fit which causes him to throw up once or twice. He's been through a round of mild antibiotics, with no...
  10. T

    Aussie Physical Limits

    How far can an Aussie run for? I’ve been riding my bike with mine for 2.5-3.5 miles (varied speeds) for the past few months and now she’s no longer napping after the runs so I’m thinking of increasing the distance incrementally.
  11. A

    Weird spot on puppies head

    I just picked up my pup and she has this spot on her head that looks really dry and like it’s growing. Her previous owner told us it might be a birth mark, but we’re not so sure. Does anyone know what it might be? We’re taking her to the vet later this week. weird spot
  12. M

    Bloodshot eyes with a blue line around the eyeball

    I had noticed that my dogs eyes were quite blood shot earlier on in the day but upon closer inspection a noticed a blue line right around his eyeball it’s weird because his eyes are brown, it’s got me worried because just the other day my sister said he threw up in my garden but at first I put...
  13. D

    Fussy eating dog

    Hey, hope everyone's having a dogtastic day! My dog is really fussy about food and it may have been my fault, because I added treats or dairy to his kibble whenever he wouldn't feel like eating, which grew frequent. But now I've got it under control, after several switches I found the right...
  14. E

    Growth on dogs leg

    Hi all! need advice I notice this some months ago on my dog, my groomer said it was a skin tag back then. However its grown a fair bit, any idea what it could be? Do skin tags get bigger with time? -I must add, went to the vet about 2 months ago to get cream for my dogs paws, as they get...
  15. G

    Need advice on how to keep 2 y/o foxhound from using the bathroom in his crate

    Hi folks, I've posted here once before on other matters and you all have been phenomenal, so I'm really hoping you can help me find an answer to this as well! My boyfriend and I are the parents of a lovely 2 year old foxhound mix. He's roughly 65 pounds, and all legs. When we first got him...
  16. T

    Goopy eyes, especially in the morning

    Hi! Firstly because I know a lot of people will recommend a vet without even reading my question: we HAVE seen a vet for this. She is usually great, but didn’t have an answer for us this time and said she could recommend an ophthalmologist if we wanted. She wasn’t too concerned about the issue...
  17. J

    Is this fair? Might not be the right place to ask!

    Hello! I'm thinking about whether or not this is fair, hypothetically. I should note that I do not have a dog nor am I looking for a dog actively, but it is something I'm considering for myself as a service dog candidate. Is it fair to keep a dog primarily indoors in an apartment, with...
  18. S

    Sick puppy, looking for advice, no vets available (isolated area)

    found this pup, apparently abandoned, on a northern reserve in Canada. There are no vets here, and so we can't very well ask anybody for help. It is very young - i guess about 6 weeks. It was very hungry when we found it and for all the dogs that are producing milk around here we can't find one...
  19. C

    Help with herbal medicine I was gifted

    I have an ~ 14-year-old pug who is being treated for senility (we know he has some sort a brain lesion but I’m not doing a MRI to formally diagnose it). He is currently taking 10mg Selegiline once daily, one capsule Senilife, 1.5mg of Melatonin three times daily, and one large/giant Omega-Cap ES...
  20. S

    Dog peeing indoors.....for 8 years!!

    I have 3 dogs. My middle dog, Rascal, pees everywhere. He goes outside, too but he won't stop peeing in the house. He's been checked out by the vet a number of times and it is not physical. He's always been a nervous guy, the Barney Fife of dogs. I don't know if his anxiety translates to...