dog breeding

  1. S

    Resources for dog owner who wants to stud (in the U.K.)

    Hey there. Sorry if this is the wrong place or if the sun has info elsewhere. I’m finding it hard to find concrete answers to questions I have around breeding my dog. For context, he’s a Scottish terrier that is now nearly 18 months. As the breed is in decline in the U.K. and there are no...
  2. B

    Just some questions! I might also post a few more later!

    Hi! So I just have questions. This will probably be long, so get ready. How it started, I'm in 4-H. My dog and I just got her first title! Her Virtual Home Manners Title. My club did the test over zoom with our club leader (who is an evaluator herself) and me and my dog passed it! We filled...
  3. C

    Golden Doodle

    I have recently adopted a beautiful black 1 year old golden doodle. Both of her parents were also golden doodles. She’s got a lovely temperament and is incredibly smart. I’d love to responsibility breed her but I am a novice. I’ve only owned fixed dogs. What breed is ideal for her to mate with...
  4. I

    Birthing Question

    Honestly I have no clue if this is the right kind of sub to post something like this is so if not I apologize but I’m looking for some advice. Due to an unfortunate series of events (that has since been handled lol) my dog was impregnated and from what I can gather the birth should happen like...
  5. E

    Tips for a budding breeder

    Hello I’m f/19 and I’m excited and eager to begin my career as a breeder. I’m honestly in the very very early stages. I’ve been spending a lot of time doing research, like looking at other hobbyist breeders and taking in tips from them. I’ve been spending time looking into different breeds and...
  6. H

    Ethical Breeding - Co-Own vs Guardian Homes

    Hi all, hopefully it's okay to ask here. I'm just an owner but very interested in ethical breeding practices and guidelines. I've been struggling with something often discussed in the r/dogs subreddit regarding appropriate homes for breeding dogs. The guideline there is that guardian homes...
  7. C

    Attention all dog breeders! We need your help!

    Me and my friends breeders are conducting a short survey on dog breeding and we would love to hear from you! After you fill out the survey, you have a chance to win a $20 Amazon gift card since we will be choosing several candidates to have a short interview with us about dog breeding after...
  8. P

    Ultrasound was done today, and there is nothing there? I’m devastated

    Context: Bitch turned 7 in January. I’ve known I wanted to breed her several years, but there’s never been the right time. For background, I’m 32. I got her when I was 25. Since coming into my life, I’ve been through grad school, two cross country moves alone, and a couple of high travel jobs...
  9. J

    Need honest answers on getting this ball (maybe) rolling…

    I have had a love for golden retrievers ever since I got my first golden pup as a kid. I mean, I absolutely ADORE them. Their temperament, their sweet faces, their gorgeous coat, their snuggles, all of it. In my book, they’re best dogs - hands down. And NOW, I’m finally at a point in my life...
  10. J

    [Discussion] Picking Studs

    Hey all o/ A few of you have probably seen me around. This is a topic I've been idly thinking about; it's not something I'm in particular need of, mind you. (It'll be 2-4 years before I need to actually find a stud myself, and my breeder intends on assisting.) But I'm curious, so... if you're...
  11. T

    Stud service questions

    Hi all! I had this women come up to me at the dog park, she thought my Pomeranian was beautiful and asked if I would be willing to breed my Pomeranian with hers. She has some experience with breeding, and said I would be compensated with a puppy... I’m all for it so she said she would be in...
  12. M

    German Shepherd Breeding Questions

    I’ve got two beautiful German Shepherds (GSD) and they’ve locked 5 times, in 5 days, from day 9 of her heat to day 14. The tie lasted 20-30 minutes each time and everything went well, dogs were calm (besides the females crying bc it’s her first time) and healthy. My male has never been bred as...
  13. B

    Pup is reading at 99.5F but she’s not due for at least another week… or is she?

    She’s not showing any symptoms of labor but her rectal temp is 99.5F. Could my thermometer be wrong? She hasn’t started nesting or licking a bunch but that temp seems low. Anyone experienced this?
  14. J

    My male dog won’t breed with my female

    Hi, I am new to dog breeding and need some help/advice. I have one male Boston terrier and a female Boston terrier, my female is on day 11 of her heat but my male doesn’t seem quite interested, he whines and sometimes goes to jump on her back to hump her. My female is ready because she keeps...
  15. S

    [Survey] - What is the biggest problem you face?

    Hi there, for my college project we are investigating how dog breeders currently sell new puppies, the challenges they face in doing so and whether there is a better solution that could exist. We'd love to hear your thoughts on this with this super quick survey (1 min). Thanks...
  16. R

    New breeder with questions!! (plus puppy pics)

    Hey everyone! My family's American Bully, Puff, had her first litter (10 puppies!!!) five days ago. This is our first time breeding, so we have lots to learn. I've already started setting up for the weaning process (though it's not for a few weeks) and for when they're up and moving. I had a few...
  17. L

    Puppy constipation

    I have 5 day old puppies that really aren’t pooping. I’m stimulating their rear ends since mom won’t do it. I read they should be pooping every to every other feeding. I’m getting 1 poop a day out of them. Since you all have a lot of experience in the puppy department I thought I’d ask if anyone...
  18. B

    Puppies died during birth

    On Thursday at 64 days my chihuahua went into labour, she was bred to my male chihuahua and this was her first litter, we had her scanned and she was expecting 2 pups. I have had one litter before of 5 pups from a different mum but this labour was nothing like that and went horribly wrong. The...
  19. W

    Appropriate conduct in this sub

    I, as well as others, have noticed a trend for posts on this sub to devolve into arguments with inappropriate and abusive language. I do not believe that when @pyonghwabear created this sub they wanted people to speak to each other in this manner. I am not going to be going back through posts...