dog breeding

  1. M

    Advice needed w/ co-owner

    I have a co-owner that I am planning to drop. I have my suspicions that she is not caring for dogs in her home properly and she is trying to do shady things behind my back. * both dogs are in my care * she signed 1 contract, but not the 2nd * she paid half on them * her name isn't on...
  2. C

    Hard lump in her belly

    I have a 2 year old dachshund that gave birth today to 4 beautiful babies. Everything is going well, she is calm now and babies have been nursing and sleeping. However I’ve noticed that there is a hard lump in her stomach still. It comes and goes, sometimes I can feel it when she’s laying down...
  3. J

    Getting Started as a Breeder

    Hi everyone, I am interested in (one day) breeding my 2 y/o male Irish setter, and I want to make sure I'm going about this in a responsible way. So far, I know I need the following: Health testing: Using what I found on the breed club's website, I'm planning to have him tested for the...
  4. A

    Stud dog first time

    Hi guys, we are planning on using our male dog as a stud for the first time and I was wondering if someone could give me a bit of advice/guidance on the process I.e which health checks etc should we get before putting him to stud Thanks!
  5. L

    Docking Puppy Tails?

    Hello. I've been looking into adopting and breeding Old English Sheepdogs in the far future. Something that has been on my mind recently is docking puppy tails. Ik that this practice can be seen as inhumane but I want to learn more about both sides of the story. No need to be rude or aggressive...
  6. I

    Small newborn

    I’ve been posting here a bit recently about an accidental dog pregnancy and thankfully with some help it’s all been going well and I’m now dealing with 4 puppies lol They’re only about 5 days old (born Monday afternoon) and either way they’re all going to the vet tomorrow but I just want to put...
  7. Z

    Who owes these puppies, our female - no breeder contract

    Long story but I'll try to make is short and clear. The main question is: We really need to know if we are legally allowed to regain possession of our dog and her puppies until they are 8 weeks old and return the remainder of the puppies back to the "breeders". (As per our agreement. We...
  8. H

    Looking for advice

    Hi all my dog successfully mated & locked 3 weeks ago & again 2 days later , I’m wondering if there’s a way I can get an idea of if she’s pregnant or not without going to the vet. She’s booked in for a X-ray in a couple weeks so would rather not have to pay for both a consult now and an X-ray...
  9. L

    Old girl

    My female shi tzu is 14 and just got hooked up with a little dog. I let her out to go potty went and poured a cup of coffee and there they were. Do you think she is too old? She has a lot of energy still. She has had 3 successful litters usually 3 pups but it has been years since her last . I...
  10. S

    Oldest safe age for FIRST litter?

    My dog (20 kg) had her first litter at age 5. Puppies 1,2,3,4,5,7 are healthy and thriving but number 6 was sadly stillborn. Mom is doing well. Curious what you guys think. View Poll
  11. A

    Hi breeders, future buyer here. Maybe you can help with my question about “health guarantee”

    I did ask on the breeds subreddit but posting here also to get the mindset of a breeder and not a buyer. I hope this is OK. We’re looking into adding another dog to the family and are in talks with a show breeder who is overseas. While we agree on most of the contract, we disagree about...
  12. N

    Help gaining weight

    Hello. We have 2 puppies who’s mom isn’t developing milk so they must be bottle fed. We have puppy milk replacer and they’re 3 days old now. One is losing weight and one is only maintaining it. The vet said to try to get them to feed more, which we’d already been doing without any success on...
  13. N

    I’m kinda stuck here

    Hello everyone! I currently have an 8 month old golden-lab. Well, I say golden lab but he has about 4% rottie in him, as weird as it sounds. I’m not a total noob when it comes to breeding I’ve learned a lot in the past year. But here’s my dilemma, as I mentioned my golden lab boy is 4% rottie...
  14. E


    Hello, just wanted your opinion n this fb post I recently saw. The person posted in a shih tzu group asking if what happened was okay. For context, the person said that his dog which is above 1 yr old mated her niece accidentally and is 10 months old. The mother of the female shih tzu is from...
  15. K

    Bad Dog Breeders - What should I do?

    I need your help. A friend of a friend has a male bulldog and has decided to breed with him. The sole purpose of this is to make money as her comment was ‘I can make £30,000!’ What she plans to do is buy two bulldog bitches, get them both pregnant and when they’ve had their litters she will get...
  16. J

    Improper Vaccine Administration

    One our puppies, Golden Retriever, had his first vaccine. The vet gave the 5in1. All other puppies are fine. But my largest and healthiest male of the litter has been limping for a month now. I took the puppy back to vet shortly after the vaccine. The vet told me she thought he had parvo and...
  17. L

    Support for false pregnancy

    Hello! I’m sorry for posting here with a non-breeding question but I thought this community is probably the most experienced in the matter. My 9 months old dog was spayed on Friday, 2 months after her first heat. But now I’ve been noticing false pregnancy symptoms. She nests and nurses a toy...
  18. E

    Notion Dog breeding template

    This is a notion template I use to track my dogs and litters. Just basic at the moment, planning on adding a place to track show records, waiting list and a master to-do. Currently tracks each dog, their medical information(immunizations, deworming, vet visits), Breeding(each individual...
  19. M

    How to tell if pregnant

    Our mother Mini Schnauzer has had two litters. Her daughter now 2 years old saw a new beau 23 days ago and we got two ties. Her nipples seem to have gotten larger since then. My vet says wait for 30 days then X-ray. We wish to start higher protein sooner. Any suggestions?
  20. S

    Just discovered Australian retrievers, but can’t find much in my area

    I just discovered the Australian retriever breed and instantly fell in love, unfortunately I can’t find any in my area. Does anyone know anywhere I would be able to find a breeder?