dog breeding

  1. A

    Help! When would my dog give birth ?

    My female chihuahua was studded to a male on June 28th, they didn’t lock at all that day and only had slip matings, so I decided to keep the male another day, June 29th they didn’t tie at all this day either they only had 1 slip tie, June 30th!! They locked the morning of the 30th!! I was going...
  2. H

    Getting hives from a dog who’s just given birth…?

    Never had issues with this dog before. I usually only get itchy or hives from male dogs saliva which I already think is strange. But now since this dog has given birth to puppies I’ve now been having allergic reactions from simply petting her. Is this maybe from her hormonal change? She licked...
  3. D

    Advice on a mixed breed

    Hi guys! I have a Maltipoo of 11 months. She got her first cycle 6 months in and I want her to have puppies. How long do you guys recommend for her to have puppies? Also my neighbor has a Pomapoo. So it would be a Maltipoo+Pomapoo mix. Would you guys recommend this mix?
  4. P

    Is an 8 year old chihuahua too old to have puppies??

    We really want our female chihuahua to have puppies Do you guys think she is too old to have puppies Will she have problems during birth?? She is 8 years old and it will be her first litter
  5. S

    1 year old (as of literally today) puppy just had her first heat, now my males are interested in her again?

    She is a toy poodle and had her first heat at 10 months old, which is a little early for her breed. I kept her separated from both my neutered and intact males until she showed no more signs of heat and they displayed no interest in her. In addition to being separated the boys were diapers when...
  6. S

    Is this a rude question to ask a breeder?

    I am soon to be a first-time puppy parent. I've worked hard to find a breeder I love, and I think I've found the one. Both Dam and Sire come from very loving, very attentive families. My only hesitation is they are asking quite a bit more than any other breeder in my area, 25% greater than the...
  7. P

    Female in heat

    First heat cycle for my 7/8 month old pup. Is it painful or uncomfortable for them first time around? or in general? She seems more sensitive and reactive to the other dogs bumping into her and with playing almost like she’s sore or something.
  8. T

    English Bulldog Second Heat Cycle

    How long is a normal time between heat cycles? I have one girl who is later than both of her litter mates on her second heat cycle even though she was first to come into heat when they hit their first cycle. For reference she was in her first heat around late October so it’s only been about 7.5...
  9. C

    No Health Testing

    Hi All, This may be an obvious answer but figured I’d ask anyway. My wife and I met a Malamute breeder yesterday. Super nice lady, her dogs have wonderful temperaments and the puppies are adorable. She was very transparent that she recently inherited this whole operation from an older woman...
  10. A

    If a dog is pregnant with only one puppy, is it normal to plan a C-Section?

    Additional details: Small dog, first litter.
  11. S

    Has anybody ever kept a dog from one of their litters or gotten a dog from a litter they watched grow up?

    We have 2 females that each had litters about 3 weeks ago resulting in 9 puppies total. I plan to get at least one of the puppies if not two and am having a very difficult time choosing, there are 7 females and 2 males. The moms are my parents and I am planning to move out soon after the puppies...
  12. P

    Should I break up a puppy fight? (5 weeks)

    I have two 5-week old puppies, and some of their fights get a bit heated. Should I break up the fights, or is this just how they learn to play properly? And if I am supposed to break them up, whats the best way to do it to let them know they're being too rough? Mama dog doesn't intervene very...
  13. D

    Buying a puppy from a breeder COI question

    Seeking some advice in regards to poodle puppies. There is a breeder in my town, that breeds poodles of various sizes and golden doodles. Not a backyard breeder and is in my opinion very honest and reputable. She has a litter due in the next few days. The mother is listed as a petite miniature...
  14. M

    How long do you wait before a c section?

    I’m getting very mixed reviews on this subject Iv heard after 63 days you need a c section Iv heard they can go up to 70 days and have them naturally. My girl is 66 days tomorrow but has showed no signs of coming into labor had a progesterone test done yesterday and they said she should be...
  15. W

    Pregnant German shepherd feeding

    Hiya I’m a bit confused as to how much puppy food I need to be feeding my bitch daily she has 4 cans of puppy food and 3 scoops of dry adult daily
  16. X

    Brucella testing

    Reaching out to y’all to see if anyone has ever used an in-house snap test kit to test entire pack/kennel for Brucellosis? I had my male tested over 3 years ago and he was negative but time has gone by and I really want to test my entire breeding dogs to know their status. I know it’s an...
  17. U

    Mother and Newly Weaned Pups

    My mother-dog has just weaned her litter of six pups. The weaning was initiated by her (the dam) and was instantaneous. Once they started on solids, she stopped nursing. The issue now, is that the mother seems to be agitated, and wants to spend time with the pups, but when she is brought back...
  18. G

    Cane Corso X Doberman Pinscher mix: Canis Panther

    Anyone familiar with this mix?
  19. L

    Stud fees, am I asking for too much?

    Hi, this is my first post in this community but I’d just like some opinions on whether the stud fee I am asking for is appropriate given the circumstances. So for some details, I and a friend met whilst walking our dogs a couple of years ago and we both have huskies. I have a male who is...
  20. T

    Surprised this sub doesn’t have more members

    Are there any more active dog breeding subreddits?