dog advice

  1. M

    TPLO Recovery: Crate required or playpen ok?

    TLDR; Can I use a playpen to confine my couch potato post TPLO or does he have to be in his crate? My adult 11 pound (5 kg) chihuahua mix is scheduled to get a TPLO surgery at the end of the month. During the surgical consult, the vet went over some basic post-op info and they informed me that...
  2. P

    Fetch works but leaves ball 1 m away

    My dog (3 years old neutered male Lhasa apso) loves to play fetch and does so well, except for releasing the ball/toy 1-2 meters away from us. It doesn’t matter if we are playing inside the apartment, at someone else’s s place or outside on a field. Nor does it matter if it’s me, my fiancé or...
  3. I

    Considering getting a Weimaraner. Thoughts? Things to consider? Experience?

    Longish post ahead. I’ve been considering getting a dog for quite some time. I grew up in a family that always owned dogs. I work M-F 8-5 and will begin a grad program in January. I’m only taking one online class. I live in a decent sized house with an even more decent sized fenced backyard. One...
  4. D

    Dog Barks Constantly for Wife, Quiet, Well Behaved for all other Household Members

    We have a small mixed breed, exact breed unknown. Looks like a Bichon/Jack Russell or Poodle/Jack Russell. Noteworthy: - Male, he is intact. - He has a heart murmur, vet concerned about neutering due to heart murmur and requested other solutions. - We got him from a younger female who...
  5. G

    Pomeranian seizures

    Hi! I was hoping someone could give me advice/any opinions on my dogs situation: My dog Zoey is a 13.5 Pomeranian who is taking enalapril and furosemide for a heart murmur. Before she was diagnosed and treated for this, she would have random seizures in her sleep. During an episode she would...
  6. M

    Male/Male Dog Aggression

    My 4yr old male dog is attacking my 9 year old male. We also have a 1 yr old female which neither have aggression towards. Moments 4 yr old has attacked 9 year old; When there is someone who comes to the door, 9 yr old goes to the door and barks. 4 yr old jumps on 9 yr old biting. 9yr old...
  7. N

    Dominance issues...?

    My family have three border Collies on a farm. They get lots of exercise but never received formal training so they are mediocre sheep dogs at best, but wonderful pets, and I think they really enjoy their lives. They are a mum S (9) and two daughters J (6) & F (4). However, we have some mild...
  8. C

    Two dog household and resource guarding

    I’m sure I’m going to sound like I’m over thinking things, but I’m curious to those who have more than one dog households... Do one or more of your dogs growl at each other when having a high value treat or toy? About 6 weeks ago, we adopted a 2yo mutt (18 different breeds) from a local...
  9. L

    How much enrichment is ideal for dogs?

    7 month old poodle mix, rehomed to us at 5 months. This my first dog so I have 0 experience caring for one before him. Currently, we do a 1-2 hour hike at our local trail every other day and a 20-30 minute walk on those days. We don’t do multiple walks throughout the day, just one long walk. At...
  10. G

    4 month old pit/lab/hound mix in a 3 story split level/ experiencing setbacks and potential delays, possibly due to home layout

    This post is about socialization and pee training concerns. In this post i describe my house layout, our routine, our setbacks and my concerns. Looking for advice from experienced dog owners as i have raised 3 dogs before this puppy, and they are all perfect. Getting nervous about this one...
  11. Y

    2 year old lab; joint issues - Any advice?

    I have a 2 year old female labrador retriever. She is such a sweetheart. We noticed that she would start limping after strenuous exercise (e.g. off-leash play w/ another dog in backyard, zoomies in our basement). The limping would completely go away after a day or so. During limping periods...
  12. D

    Advice needed! 9 M/O puppy started peeing in her cage

    Advice needed! Sorry for a somewhat lengthy post. I have a 9 m/o Australian Shepherd-Border Collie mix. She has been very good at all training processes, and has been house broken since about 10 weeks old. She has slept in her cage since the day we got her, and stays in there regularly...
  13. R

    Over the counter flea treatments?

    Can anyone recommend a good over the counter flea treatment for a 12yr old 20lb frenchton? Since we moved back in w/ my parents in March-and exchanged our walks for their backyard- my baby has been tormented by fleas; scratching all day n night, using the boards under the bed for places she...
  14. A

    dog is too aggressive to even let himself be groomed

    My dog is too ggrsv and v*lnt with strangers or really just whenever he’s being groomed because he does this with me even. So many places have explicitly told me that they wont take him back. I haven’t been able to groomed him for a long time now…
  15. T

    Hair/coat support

    Please read full post!! I have a 2yo Kelpie mix, He has food & environmental allergies which in the last 2yrs have totally destroyed his coat & hair growth. Allergies are managed, no more flare ups! BUT his coat has just never recovered. Needing advice on supplements/grooming routines. He is...
  16. A

    Dog can’t get up after sedation

    TLDR: He is paralyzed. It wasn’t the sedation. He had emergency surgery. 90% chance he will walk again, but he’s going to need Physical Therapy to accomplish that. If anyone knows about dog wheelchairs, please comment your advice. If anyone knows of any grants I can apply to, please comment that...
  17. D

    P.S.A. for dog parents

    Late last night, I gave my pups their usual bedtime treat…a piece of a soft meat dog food roll that is soft enough to crumble in your hand easily. Elsa (my Maltese) dropped hers (I had given her a good sized chunk 😢) and in an effort to snatch it up before her pig of a brother took it, managed...
  18. S

    Thyro Tabs question

    My dog is 90 lbs and was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism. My vet has him on 0.8 mg twice a day. Reading the paperwork that came with the meds, it seems like it’s too much. Shouldn’t it be 0.8 mg once a day or 0.4 mg am & pm? Did I read the dosage wrong?
  19. J

    Adolescence is hard

    Today while out training my 1.6yo gsd x lab we were caught off guard by a man and a small dog. Before I could react fast enough he’d yanked me over onto the wet and muddy grass. I just sat there for a minute in disbelief before tearing up. I spilled all the treats, so we couldn’t continue, and...
  20. B

    My puppy has OCD in the shoulder - anyone else who has experience with this?

    Hey community, we just came back from the vet with the diagnosis. The bad news is she needs surgery that will set us back 2.5 k, the good news is she only has it on one side. Is there anybody else whose pup had the diagnosis? How was the surgery for you, how did the pup do afterward? I am not...