dog advice

  1. K

    Dog Put Down Treats

    We have three dogs all rescues, two are older M(10?), F(7/9?) and one is younger M(3). The female Stella, puts her treats down in front of her or in her bed and lays down when we give them to her. They can be high value treats or regular treats. She eventually eats them - sometimes a few...
  2. J

    Cat Scratch Leads to Full Body Dog Infection

    Please help. Educated or experienced dog and cat owners - need some interpretation. My brother brought his unicorn cat to visit with our other brother and sister n law who have a dog. Dog unknowingly stepped over cat, startling the cat. Cat swiped dog’s nose in response/defense. No one...
  3. M

    CHF… but what if the meds never help?

    Last week my dog had a few fainting episodes, which prompted our vet visit. Background : Vet: I don’t have much experience with this vet, we moved and admittedly haven’t kept up with all routine visits due to funds. Dog: My dog Munchie, she is a rescue, she was an adult at the time of rescue...
  4. R

    Chihuahua help…

    Help! Chihuahua 15 y/o experiencing symptoms of incontinence, lack of appetite, labored breathing, difficulty getting comfortable/laying down, slow walking, hardly going up stairs. Slowly started about 5 days ago. We took him to the vet for blood work, X-rays (thinking pneumonia), checked his...
  5. P

    Is my puppy going to be traumatised from a bad interaction?

    My puppy is 12 weeks old, the other day I took him round to my mums house to meet her dog. I knew that my mums dog was a little bit protective of his toys I.e. moves them when people come near but I’d never seen any aggression before. When my puppy arrived my mum’s dog was growling so much and...
  6. J

    Traveling w/ 3 yr old American Bully

    Does anyone know how I can travel with my dog? She is an American Bully and most airlines won’t accept her as cargo because she is part of the “brachycephalic” breeds. But, I also can’t put her in the cabin with me as she weighs over 20lbs. The trip is domestic, what can I do?
  7. F

    How can I keep my dog still after surgery? They said she couldn’t walk for two weeks but she’s walking 7 hours after and I can’t keep her still

    My dog got a growth removed from her leg this morning, they said she shouldn’t be walking for about a week but I can’t keep her from waddling out of her bed. Can someone please tell what to do to make her rest? It wasn’t a major surgery, she got sedated but the surgery was maybe 30 minutes and...
  8. C

    Anyone rehome a dog they love? How are things now that it’s over?

    I have a beautiful GSD (I’ve always wanted one) I have to rehome due to a resident dog that attacked and bit her. We’ve kept the dogs separated since June, when the major attack occurred. An acquaintance who lives nearby may take her, which might be nice - she’d only be 10 blocks away, but… it’s...
  9. K

    First time dog guardian - he is getting neutered on Thursday. Please give me your tips. I think I have it all down but I am a tad anxious

    Advice I think I am pretty clear on most of this but there are some variations so your insight is appreciated! This is the kind of stuff my vet answers vaguely when I ask and maybe it is a case-by-case basis? 1) I need to make sure he limits all activity (no jumping, stairs, or hopping up on...
  10. K

    Baby food for dogs?

    If anyone has tried or currently use baby food for their dog as a dog food topper please share your recommendations here. I have a picky girl who usually won’t eat without a dog food topper. I wet her food so it is more appetizing but apparently she is too smart for that. I also suspect a...
  11. S

    Dogs getting sick, and maybe hives?

    On mobile; forgive formatting and whatnot. Ok so I have two pups. The male is a 7.5 y/o spaniel/lab, the female is a 2 y/o mostly lab mutt. Last Friday, the male didn't have much appetite. Happens occasionally. But, later that night he vomited bile while I was sleeping. Okay, perhaps from...
  12. J

    Letting an 8 year old rescue know it’s ok to play with toys?

    I have 2 dogs. An 8ish year old/ 70 pound mix who I found as a stray 7 years ago and a 1 year old beagle mix. The 8 year old has balls that are only allowed in the yard, but has never shown any interest in toys inside the house. We had a toy explosion when our super toy driven pup came in at 8...
  13. S

    Dog introductions

    I have 8 year old male Mcnabb collie mix who is typically very mellow mannered and shy but is very sweet once he warms up with people and sometimes dogs. My younger dog who was a female recently passed away at the age of 6 due to complications with epilepsy and they were the best of friends...
  14. M

    dog nasal discharge advice

    dog nasal discharge My dog has had unilateral nasal boogers/nuggets since January (about 2 mos now). They have not gotten better or worse. Head x-ray was negative, along with nasal swabs. The boogers are only noticeable if you look up her nose, nothing ever drips out. It’s more of a collection...
  15. K

    4 month old pit/lab/hound mix who loves to chew. ISO puppy teeth safe longer lasting edible chews

    large breed puppy with already strong jaws but weak dumb still-growing teeth. He got a hold of a bully stick from a variety pack recently and he LOVED it. I was going to take it from him but for some reason this one seemed to get soft really quickly so i just observed and watched the entire...
  16. M

    Agreed to sit an „easy dog“. He’s not easy. What’s the best solution?

    (English is not my native language. Also sorry for the length of the text, I’m a little emotional right now.) Last week a colleague (G) messaged me out of the blue asking me if I could sit his dog for three weeks. I was surprised but because I’m working from home this month I said I‘m open to...
  17. K

    1 Year Old Golden Retriever (F) Depressed and Peeing/Pooping inside home after I Got a 2 Month Old GSD (M) Puppy

    Hi, this is my first reddit post and I wanted to ask why my 1 Year Old Golden Retriever female dog is not only less active and not engaging with us like she used to but also Peeing and Pooping inside home (she is potty trained and never pooped or peed inside the house) after I Got a 2 Month Old...
  18. T

    Pissing dog

    My dog (7months f) won’t stop pissing in my and my roommate’s bedrooms, whenever we left the door open she’ll come inside and piss on the bed or on the floor. When she’s outside of our room she never piss and wait do do it outside, I don’t understand.
  19. S

    Female dog is bleeding during heat but far more than usual

    She's a Shih Tzu and is 8 yrs old. I understand that we should've gotten her spayed and am okay with getting told off about it (rightfully). The only bleeding I've ever noticed during her heats is 1-2 drops however I woke up 2 days ago to a small pool of blood on the floor. It was about the size...
  20. G

    How to create stability for a dog

    My partner and I have recently had a newborn baby. The birth was unplanned and admits all the chaos, we moved back in with my parents to find a new place. However, since the baby has been born, my partners usually really behaved dog had began to act out of character: using potty inside the...