
  1. M

    How to help a new dog (8 mo) get used to our old dog (2 y/o)?

    Just got an 8mo old Corgi yesterday. We have a 2 yr old Australian Shepherd at home. I read about the 3-3-3 rule and understand it takes time for the 8mo old to get used to her new environment. But, is there any way to help the new 8mo old feel more comfortable around our 2y/o pup? So far, the...
  2. Z

    9 weeks old don’t wanna sleep alone during day

    Hi all, 4 days ago we got our little puppy of 9.5 weeks old (miniature dachshund). We love him a lot, and overall he is doing very well. However, we can’t leave him alone for even a couple of seconds. Wherever I go, he goes as well which means that he even starts crying during my toilet break...
  3. 1

    Zoomies in Hurricane Hillary

    My pup has a secret life as a rain enthusiast and storm chaser. I caught him glued to the balcony window, practically mesmerized and whining over the downpour. And the moment I cracked open the front door to grab an Amazon package (poor delivery guy), he saw his chance! Faster than a cat...
  4. J

    Do we have a perfect puppy?

    I’m just shocked how some of you struggle with your new pups, and I’m wondering if we are really that lucky. We took our golden retriever puppy when he was 8 weeks, now he’s 20 weeks old. Since day one we had only handful accidents when it comes to potty training. It feels like he knew what to...
  5. W

    How do I get my boyfriend’s territorial German Shepherd to like me?

    I have been with my boyfriend(we’ll call him J) for almost 5 months now, we are both in our late teens, if that matters. I have a corgi that is pretty friendly to everyone, and he has two dogs, one mixed and the other a pure bred german shepherd. The mixed dog is lovely, but the shepherd is...
  6. A

    5 mo Husky/Heeler puppy is way too clingy, I can’t even leave the room without a loud, messy meltdown

    I adopted a sweet husky/heeler girl 6 days ago. Whenever I leave a room, even across a baby gate or tie her outside while I am inside within view of the door, she freaks the heck out barking and whining and sometimes peeing on the floor. She follows me very closely whenever she can, to the point...
  7. N

    Is this separation anxiety or just “puppy looking for comfort”?

    I know I’ve been posting a lot in this group recently, y’all have just been so helpful and made me feel so normal about my puppy blues and stuff! Let me paint your a word picture real quick. I live in a three story townhouse: first floor kitchen, living room, powder room. Second floor laundry...
  8. C

    Need help with 2am witching hour

    Hey long time lurker first time poster. Long post sorry. My 9 month old maltese/yorkie puppy Mortimer has one nagging issue that my girlfriend and I can't seem to solve. He wakes up every night around 2am and has a crazy witching hour until about 4 am. He literally loses his mind during those...
  9. B

    1.5 yr old lip curled & growled at me

    Got my now 1.5 yr old mixed breed large pup when he was 8 weeks old. We have a solid bond and he’s my baby boy. For the first time ever two days ago he curled up his lip when I was petting him as he was sitting in the kitchen and looking up at me as I was cooking dinner. I stopped petting him...
  10. %

    H E L P

    Hi everyone! My puppy is 14 weeks old this up coming Thursday. I will admit I have been super spoiled because aside from the first few days home, he has never had issues in his crate at night at all, no whining and no crying at all. However, the past two nights he has barked and barked and...
  11. D

    My border collie (6 y.o f) tries to herd my toddler (2 y.o m)

    It’s all in the title. She tries to use the infamous “herding stare” on him to keep in areas she designates. Obviously, it doesn’t work. She’s not aggressive in the usual sense of the word, she doesn’t nip at him or get remotely close to biting, even if he is trying to yank her ears or poke her...
  12. C

    [HELP] My dog (F, 1 yo) suddenly doesn’t want to go out anymore

    We live in an apartment, she is 4kg yorkie and pom mix. She is potty trained to go inside and is very good about that but in the last 1,5 week she is peeing outside her pee pad more often and she suddenly doesn’t want to go outside, she was used to going 2x a day regularly. She tries to pull us...
  13. T

    New male pup trying to breed w established female dog, wdid

    Got a 18 mo male dog (34 lb) and he isn't neutered and he wants to have sex with my 2 yo female dog (65 lb) though she is fixed. He gets neutered in a week. We got him 4 days ago. Do I separate them? He is trying to penetrate her and even though I have my eye on the situation, I can't watch...
  14. T

    Puppy incessantly cries for an hour every night

    We have a 10 week old lab. Every night is the same. My GF sleept with him downstairs in the coach for 3 or 4 days to help him settle in while I was preparing for my PhD defense. Now we’re doing the tough love route. He has his zoomies at around 10 p.m. Then we go potty outside (he more of less...
  15. A

    two decorative halloween pillows have turned my 9 month old neutered puppy into a humping demon. he’s never humped before. how can I restore peace?

    basically like the title says - my pekingese puppy sees these two cat and bat shaped pillows and goes absolutely berserk. they’re pretty soft, meaning slippery, so he’ll do acrobatics trying to mount them on the couch. they turn him absolutely ferocious and he resource guards them if we try to...
  16. J

    Advice on 4 month old puppy with nighttime separation anxiety

    We have a 4 month old havanese that we got when he was about 10 weeks old. When he's not roaming around the main floor under our supervision, we keep him in a pen area with a crate attached to it, water, toys and a litter box. This is where he also stays during the night. Overall he's been...
  17. D

    Puppy Anxiety

    Hey guys, I just discovered this sub and tried to find something that fit, but couldn't. We adopted 2 standard poodle brothers 2 weeks ago at 8 weeks old. 1 would be the easiest dog ever to train that I've experienced, let's call him H. H does not whine or cry and is basically crate trained...
  18. R

    My dog(F 1 Year old)tried to hump my arm

    Is it normal for a female dog to hump? If not then is she gay?
  19. R

    Helicopter Tail Tell?

    Our dog, Shadow (link is photo), just turned one and is incredibly energetic - with absolutely no self-control when there's another person around. He is Kelpie/Labrador and currently weighs just over 30kgs. We've always been really careful with him around people, especially kids because he has...