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    Older dog goes painfully slow on walks, but wants energetic play inside the house. (Arthritis and aging questions.)

    Why does my older dog go painfully slow on walks, but appear to be really mobile inside the house? My eight-year-old lab mix had surgery on her knee last year and has only seemed to recover about 80 percent. The vet says she has degeneration and arthritis in her hip joints and possibly one knee...
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    Off-leash dogs in Europe vs. off-leash dogs in the U.S

    @sylviagab I assume you're European. May I ask where? I'm an American and I know many people who leave their dogs in their yard all day, but I do not. My dog gets at least three walks a day, about 20-45 minutes each for a total of 1.5 hours a day, and I'm one of the only people in my...
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    Off-leash dogs in Europe vs. off-leash dogs in the U.S

    @tobehisalone That is such a good idea! While I wish that were the case here in the U.S., we have huge dog overpopulation problems in this country — therefore, I don't think putting up another barrier to adopting a dog would work here. I wish we could start from scratch and do it like Switzerland.
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    Off-leash dogs in Europe vs. off-leash dogs in the U.S

    @goldsmith129 That's a very interesting theory, and I think you're correct. Dogs were everywhere. Lots of human activities (eating, lounging) seem to be conducted outside on a regular basis more than in the U.S., so there must be a large incentive to train one's dog. Thanks!
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    Off-leash dogs in Europe vs. off-leash dogs in the U.S

    This is sort of a one-off question for this sub, but here it goes. I recently visited Amsterdam, Rome, and Paris. Everywhere I went, there were lots of off-leash dogs behaving very nicely. Even on crowded streets in these big cities, off-leash dogs would stick right next to their owners. When...