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  1. E

    What are the dog park rules?

    @christopherb Thanks a lot, I’m in no real rush to get him there. Playing with dogs is his favorite thing to do, but we have plenty of safer and more constructive ways to do it while he matures and we work on his behavior some more. I think we’ll put off the dog park for some tome
  2. E

    What are the dog park rules?

    @lighthouse4031 He has quite a few dog friends around the neighborhood and I have some friends that bring their dogs over. My brother actually just moved into my place with his 2 dogs, so we still have plenty of resources to get him some dog play.
  3. E

    What are the dog park rules?

    @toseiwe Understood. That’s been my biggest concern is we’ve done a ton of work on training, I’d hate to take all this caution, go to the dog park and have it all reversed because someone else wasn’t cautious. He’s still young and gets plenty of time to play with other dogs so I’m not aching to...
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    What are the dog park rules?

    I’ve had my pup for 7 months now and his favorite thing to do is play with other dogs. He does great in almost every situation now but when he really wants something he can get pretty crazy. We’ve tried going to the dog park twice, both times he was barking uncontrollably at a pretty small...
  5. E


    @eagle777 You just forget you had your dog when you took the position?