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    Brainstorming Ideas for Low Stamina/High Energy Dog

    @fredothegreat TIL! If your dog hates the meds, maybe playing with timing or dosage will help, or maybe you can try something different. You're doing your best, and I hope you find something that will improve his quality of life.
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    Brainstorming Ideas for Low Stamina/High Energy Dog

    @fredothegreat I'm not familiar with Toradol, but that doesn't sound like an NSAID (my oldie is on Tramadol, which is pain but not an NSAID). If you're already giving as much as you can, maybe a quick phone call to the vet to ask about timing? Tramadol knocks my guy out so I only give a whole...
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    Brainstorming Ideas for Low Stamina/High Energy Dog

    @fredothegreat Is he on an NSAID? I have an older dog who started slowing down and his vet and I put together a pretty extreme medication protocol for him to permit him to continue enjoying his normal activities. I'm not saying you need to go as hard on meds as we have - what I'm doing is both...
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    Aspiring dog trainer: where to learn more?

    @bpps Call em up and ask! If they are open to it, set a specific date and time and show up. I have so many people want to shadow me at first but then they disappear - sometimes I get burned out and don't even want to start with a new person because they're flaky. If you get to the first meeting...
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    Aspiring dog trainer: where to learn more?

    @bpps When you work under a trainer, do it their way - you are there to learn. You don't always have to agree, but you are the student and they are the teacher. When you are with a different trainer, do it their way - they don't even need to know your opinion or how you would approach a certain...
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    Aspiring dog trainer: where to learn more?

    @bpps Start with the recommended trainer. You will learn a lot, even if the style isn't what you intend to utilize later. I ride horses, and I like to take a lesson from my primary instructor weekly - but I also take lessons occasionally from a variety of coaches. Every one of them is trying...
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    eCollars Save Lives

    @princesstatyanna Until a recall is rock solid. That puppy would still be alive.
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    eCollars Save Lives

    @godly_wife Okay. But I've shared very few details, in the interest of privacy as well as my own reluctance to relive the situation. Our perspectives are shaped by our experiences. My willingness to accept an aversive tool has been shaped by my experience with cleaning up after a situation that...
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    eCollars Save Lives

    @godly_wife You seem pretty mad about a situation I haven't shared much detail about. Is that really what you're upset about?
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    eCollars Save Lives

    @godly_wife I was pretty familiar with the situation.
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    eCollars Save Lives

    @godly_wife Yeah, it's true - maybe he would have blown right through it. We'll never know. I bet his owners wish they'd had another tool in the kit that night.
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    eCollars Save Lives

    @christian_violet You're right, of course. But I'm still okay with using an e-collar as an additional reinforcement for recall. When my own black Lab puppy was 7 months old I was able to use mine to stop him from chasing a coyote. The only reason he was wearing it was the memory of the other Lab...
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    eCollars Save Lives

    @unlitmikey I was an emergency vet tech at a huge 24-hour pet hospital for 10 years. The worst emergency I ever saw was the result of a 7-month-old black Lab puppy whose recall failed. I will not describe it here, but it stuck with me - can you imagine how his owners felt? One mistake - one...