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  1. J

    It’s 6am. I’m terrified of what the night will bring

    @theincrediblebaptistor There’s a lot of info on the sub on why letting a pup “cry it out” isn’t recommended 🙂 Honestly, you can take things slow with a pup and they develop fast. Better a bit too slow then way too fast. I had pup in a crate on my nightstand for 3 months and now she’s fine on...
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    Unexpectedly lost my 2.5 year old dog, I feel so empty

    @ozzijez I’m so sorry It truly hurts to lose a pet and especially young and unexpected.
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    First night w 9 week old puppy and she’s crying in the crate

    @shieldoffaithlb I don’t believe in “letting them cry it out” We had our pup in her bed next to us but tethered so she didn’t have free roam. That in itself most puppies are already not happy about and neither was she but because we weeks right there it’s a little whimpering rather than a full...
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    It’s 6am. I’m terrified of what the night will bring

    @theincrediblebaptistor Is it an option to put the crate in your room, next to your bed? Even if you don’t want that long term you could slowly move crate over the next weeks away from you. It’s pretty harsh to pick up a pup and stick it into a new environment then stick pup into crate alone...
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    Separation anxiety

    @kingsdaughter89 It’s really normal for puppies to be velcro. That’s their instinct. As I’m reading your post I’m currently outside while watching pup on camera. Things I watch for is panic vs slightly unhappy. At the moment we’re practicing 5-10 minutes a few times a day. She moans. I accept...
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    Solo visit to Petsmart made me feel so much better

    @habanero I love this because it’s totally true. We had friends over the other day and this dude came up to me, he was nice about it but he was like “hey so i was petting your 1 dog and she put her tail between her legs and didn’t like it?!?” I was like...”so....she was telling you she didn’t...
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    Share with me what you LOVE about your reactive dog

    @jacob86 Our reactive dog passed away last year unexpectedly and way too young. I love your post because I always focused on the positives too. Life with a reactive dog was challenging but wonderful. The simplest way I can describe it is that everything was extreme. She would be extremely...
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    Partner and I took on 2 pups from the same litter. Week 2…

    @beaconlight94 People mention litter mate syndrome and perhaps it’s a thing but typically it’s just that 2 pups are a lot to handle for people. But it can be done. We had just 3 months apart between 2 of our dogs and so we essentially had 2 pups of nearly the same age. The one thing that worked...
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    I have the perfect dog 99.9% of the time until I don’t

    @tribmartyr That sounds really difficult. Great tips already shared and I agree with muzzle training. I’d also look in to keeping her much more separate until she’s fully muzzle trained.
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    What are your "top 3" tips?

    @childman In my opinion, management is a HUGE part in owning a reactive dog (it even plays a significant role in owning non reactive dogs) After all, it’s all about setting your dog up for success- always. And reactive behavior isn’t always something that can be completely “fixed” We improved a...
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    9 weeks old don’t wanna sleep alone during day

    @zzareyan This situation/question pops up all the time. I get it. I had the same concern with my first pup all these years ago. I had never had a dog then and I was shocked at the neediness for a lack of better word haha. But. The good news is…it’s absolutely normal. It is slightly breed and...
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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @catherinenosleep In reality she’s right but we’ve learned that both humans and animals respond far better to positive reinforcement. I had a trainer once explain it to me like this. Say, I’m afraid like super afraid of spiders. Every time I’m even near one i go crazy. Screaming and crying. You...
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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @catherinenosleep Yes it’s one thing for a trainers style not to fit yours but being rude to a potential client is a major red flag even if the style aligned. You have to click anyway. I replied to one of your other comments with a story about a spider that a great great trainer explained to...
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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @catherinenosleep I know it’s already been explained to you but just want to stress that “a certification” doesn’t mean shit sometimes. Like how anyone can call themselves a coach in whatever. What’s more important is that you feel you’re in good hands, values align with yours and references...
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    Just left my (nearly) 1 year old puppy out of her crate alone for the first time

    @calpastor So we’ve never crated when we’re gone and our dogs have never done anything else but lay on the sofa, waiting for us to return. They’ll move positions now and then, they’ll snuggle a bit, slightly nap. But definitely anticipating us returning.
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    So embarrassing to post but: I’m drained, and i feel like I was lied to about getting a puppy

    @gym_class_hero So what does a typical day look like for her? Pups and dogs need plenty sleep so it’s not perse bad if she has x amount of hours alone but of course that means she will rest less in other hours because she’s already had a lot of her rest while she was alone. So that means tiring...