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  1. K

    Gentle leaders

    @dpardue Yep. I am going to try a harness with a waist strap first. My dogs don't wear collars because they treat them as handles for one another and I think the harness will be easier. But good to have a plan B. They've always had coordinated harnesses. I think it is so cute! But safety and...
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    Gentle leaders

    @dpardue Thanks! I have tried a slip lead. I can use it correctly with the beabull, but I can't seem to keep it positioned correctly on the other two, so it doesn't seem safe.
  3. K

    Gentle leaders

    @emily99 Thanks. Appreciate your input!
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    Gentle leaders

    @mathek Good to note. Thank you!
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    Gentle leaders

    @vdenni Thanks. I wouldn't mind if the pulling was just tension on the leash, which is where she is when tired. I mind it because she is sometimes at a full surge. She is big and strong. I have to counter balance her with my body weight. It makes going on a walk not very enjoyable for me, though...
  6. K

    Gentle leaders

    I would like advice, please! I have seen gentle leaders mentioned in a few posts and I want to give it a try. I have 3 dogs: 1-husky mix 65 lbs 4 years old. She used to pull a lot, but as she has aged, she is better. However, she is not very biddable and under the right circumstances, she...
  7. K

    Need some emotional support. It’s the morning after behavioral euthanizing my sweet Athena

    @fightingbull542 You rescued her from a bad situation and showed her what it means to be loved. That is a good thing. Please be kind and gentle with yourself. You tried and you made the best decision you could.
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    Entitled dog walkers

    @citywolf It's not like racism. However I think I understand where she is coming from. When you have a great dog that everyone judges based on its breed, I can understand how that could hurt. I love when I have my dogs out and people want to pet them because it makes my dogs very happy. Maybe...
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    E-collar correction

    @jaenalyn Fair enough. Though in either regard, you cannot anticipate every possibility. I grew up in a household in which garbage was never left where animals could get to it. The idea that people have unsecured garbage in the same space as pets doesn't even compute for me.
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    E-collar correction

    @jaenalyn You do not advocate dog proofing your home? That is a serious question.
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    E-collar correction

    @jaenalyn I have 3 dogs. None of them eat trash, and all of them have a solid leave it. I do not feel they are in a high-risk situation. I don't have any problem at all with the way you make a living. Trainers are needed. What rubs me the wrong way (not with you in specific, just in general)...
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    E-collar correction

    @jaenalyn I am a regular dog owner, and I would never pay a trainer to train my dog to stay out of the trash. I'd take responsibility to keep the trash out of her reach. I have a problem with trainers who think the answer to every single issue is for people to fork out money to pay for a...
  13. K

    E-collar correction

    @eve_marie I am a professional and expert human trainer and it is widely known and accepted that not all human performance gaps are best addressed by training. In fact, some cannot be addressed by training. While I am not a professional or expert dog trainer, I can certainly imagine that some...