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  1. J

    I’ve become a bad dog owner. They have become uncontrollable

    @canuckgramz I'm not a fan of chest harness, but sounds bad with the face harness /gentle leader. Have you tried getting him used to it inside? What about leash walking inside? Personally I like Beckmans Dog Training channel. A lot of it is about reactive dogs. Maybe you can use some of his...
  2. J

    I’ve become a bad dog owner. They have become uncontrollable

    @canuckgramz Are they wearing a regular collar or another type? Have you watched youtube videoes on loose leash walking from balanced trainers?
  3. J

    I’ve become a bad dog owner. They have become uncontrollable

    @canuckgramz Damn, sorry to read this. I don't know what the correct answer is, but have you considered walking them only one at a time for a bit to correct their bad behaviour outside? Maybe if they relearn to walk properly they can be good together. I would be very strict about how they walk...
  4. J

    My new rescue dog keeps humping her beds

    @johngthomas Good. Keep at it. She is still very new to you and I think with success in training she will get more confidence. Definitely don't yell, she is most likely doing it because of stress and stress/fear is probably not something you will correct (or negatively reinforce), but rather...
  5. J

    My new rescue dog keeps humping her beds

    @johngthomas Have you been training her since the day you got her? I mean basic obedience stuff like sit, stay, heel, impulse control with food.
  6. J

    Trouble Potty Training My Foster Dog

    @konradpankoff 15 minutes seem like a short time to start with. My rescue could take up to 45 minutes in the beginning, but is now doing it within a few minutes. Try when going out with the foster to only stay in one place until she does the deed. It might be boring for you in the beginning...