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  1. H

    3 month old corgi never stops unless sleeping. Need help

    @scholasticus My dog is a pointer-pitbull cross (somebody hopped the ranch fence). She calms down in her crate but so much of breeding tells her when she is not in her crate that she needs to be learning everything about everything. If I take her to the dog park, sometimes she will play, and...
  2. H

    3 month old corgi never stops unless sleeping. Need help

    @scholasticus It sounds like you have her out a lot, but as someone who has worked with working dogs: so I don’t know where you live, but you say dog park and home are the main activities. I have experience with herding dogs. It would take a two hour hike to tire one out at five years old or so...
  3. H

    My dog will not leave me alone when I’m having sex

    @spst Lordy, I have the same problem with my dog. I started putting her in my car. I think she is resource guarding me, and I’m eager to see the suggestions you get! It’s a bit of a buzz kill, lol.
  4. H

    Does your pup have their own life you don’t know much about?

    @healthchristian No, but I do wonder about spots in neighborhood that my dog gets really excited to smell, frequently. Like she is like, 'oh, and here fido is again, and there is princess over there.' Once she got really excited when she met the dog from down the block and I swear it's because...