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    14 m/o given both rabies vaccines, same visit

    @fogprince Personally I'd monitor over the next 24. The deeds been done so someone telling you retroactively it might not have been the best idea (and I'm not a vet-i also dont know if its a bad idea!) doesnt mean much. Id checkout the /askvet sub if you're really concerned when you get home...
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    14 m/o given both rabies vaccines, same visit

    @fogprince Did you reject or accept the shot?? How long ago? Has your dog shown any change in behaviour?
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    Trouble deciding on crate for 1 year old lab mix (x-post /r/dogtraining)

    @37drvr A "wild dog with separation anxiety" is going to likely hurt itself in any crate, I agree. The ones with the small holes instead of bars still usually have grated fronts (where the dogs are going to try to get out anyway). Have you tried taking her to daycare or hiring a person to come...
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    Outdoor X-pen/access to partial yard

    @merity000 Again, I'm from central Canada so I feel like I'll have a different opinion on this then others but... he sounds like he has a good life, and a good, attentive owner. Ive been told it can be hard to transition "outside" dogs to inside when you are leaving them for 8-10 hour chunks...
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    Outdoor X-pen/access to partial yard

    @merity000 I lived in SK and AB where plenty of folks would have their dog in good weather like this. Although it makes me uncomfortable, I also recognize plenty of healthy dogs have lived like this. I think your dog sounds fine, although my biggest concern is the amount of time it spends...
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    Outdoor X-pen/access to partial yard

    @merity000 Would I do it? No, I think 14 weeks is way too young to leave a dog totally unsupervised apparently with some kind of edible chew and the outdoors in general (grass? stones? leaves?) etc. I would be afraid of my dog being attacked by a racoon or something! I also don't believe outdoor...
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    Help with a crate and separation anxiety! (xpost from r/pets)

    @chrissyparla28 I mean what have you been practicing and for how long? /r/dogtraining has a great article on separation anxiety in their sub you can read through and start with - and be patient. This kind of SA can take months to years to fully get rid of.
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    What do I do about my dog while everyone's away?

    @bontogo You’re right, it is very depressing! Sometimes people think things are bad for dogs (like crate training) and we can help educate them in the benefits and reasons why a lot (not all) dogs love them. But I think your instinct is right. Leaving a dog in the dark in a cold garage all day...
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    What do I do about my dog while everyone's away?

    @bontogo Can you volunteer your room? Ask to move the cage to your room, so your dog can be a comfortable temperature in a familiar place. That would be a good first step. The fact you say you can do nothing makes me think you are very young... and that is ok. You can do small things, like ask...
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    Help with a crate and separation anxiety! (xpost from r/pets)

    @chrissyparla28 Can you tell us what training you've already tried so we don't just repeat what you've already done?
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    Is it messed up to leave my dog home w/ NO AC?

    @tiffashwill It depends on how hot your house gets and your breed of dog. Where i live can get in to the 30s and i have brachycephalic breeds. AC is a must or they could die. I've also fostered a Collie who seemed like they could live outdoors in almost any temp. 80 is pretty hot, id be making...
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    Sick puppy, looking for advice, no vets available (isolated area)

    @sazzyv1010 Depending on where you are: Try contacting a rescue that is as close by as possible and ask them for assistance and their opinion. Puppies are easy to rehome and they will likely have connections with local mobile vets or at least (hopefully) be able to send someone out--even better...
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    Not sure where to look for a small pool for my dog

    @possumbarnes Kijiji for a plastic kiddie pool?
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    (X-post from r/dogs) How to clean a stinky collar?

    @lygimom Well, my washer can use warm/cold water instead of hot and my dryer has the option for low heat or tumble dry (which i assumed was dry by tumbling but could be high heat!). Ive never had the plastic bit melt, hm, i never thought about that!! I suppose i could hang it to dry...
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    (X-post from r/dogs) How to clean a stinky collar?

    @moses123456 i just toss mine in the washer/dryer with towels.
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    7month pit mix cant open mouth wide

    @aceofspades618 I guess I wasn’t too clear, I didn’t mean straight tooth, but at minimum a medical mouth issue. It sounds very serious, although quite positive if you can touch all of it teeth. How do you get to the back ones if he won’t open up? Bad breath is also a sign of something bad...
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    7month pit mix cant open mouth wide

    @aceofspades618 Love to see what others say, but this sounds like a tooth related issue that really requires a vet (ie: an extraction). Maybe look in to low cost clinics in your area or services for low income? If you post your city, maybe people can help look?
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    X-Post - Dog has red lump- Does this warrant a trip to the vet?

    @justanotherhypocrite Yowza, given that it came on so quickly I'd take the dog to the vet.
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    Great Dane puppy seems a bit gimpy, doesn't want to stand up after naps.. Normal? x-post to r/greatdanes

    @ladykay Needs a vet, Danes are very sensitive to hip issues. Friend of mines torn her ACL as a puppy (6-7 mo) and it ended up going downhill incredibly fast.
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    Wellness Puppy Food

    @inhissight This is great advice. I used to pay $50 for a lower quality brand, now I spend $80 same size bag--but I used to have to feed 2 cup/day of the older brand and now feed 1 cup a day of the new brand!