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    SOS Help socialization and training our dogs pls

    @khedge The breath and depth you are asking here is like you need a book written. The internet is full of resources on dealing with these problems, and aside from the getting the two dogs to get along, which requires an assessment on their specific situation, all other answers are somewhat...
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    Crating guilt

    @ayoub77 Yup a room with a baby gate or an exercise pen (a tall one costs less than $50). We put our boy in an ex pen if we leave home for extended amount of time, just to be sure, despite that he has never chewed through things nor gotten into garbage nor on the counter: that way, we know for...
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    Overnight crate 8 week old puppy help please

    @emmardm *hugs* I know what you mean. It's so unsettling. My spouse used to kneel on the floor and sweet-talk the puppy when we first brought him home, if he's in the crate whining. It's not in any training books, but it does seem to help him to calm down, having my spouse's reassuring presence...
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    14 mo ACD mix- HELP

    @lakersfan4life24 Your pup is about the same age as mine. Mine didn't go through another fear period at this time (nor any other notable behavior change), but I heard technically it's possible for this age. Also, someone posted a while back that her pup, contracting giardia, became bitey. It...
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    Fear aggressive pup... considering BE after 3.5 years of trying to make it work

    @zarif Understood. I think you guys did a heroic thing trying to correct a mistake someone else made. In the end none of us is superhuman, and the world works according to its own laws instead of our best wishes. Have the equanimity of knowing you gave what you had.
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    Fear aggressive pup... considering BE after 3.5 years of trying to make it work

    @zarif Thanks for sharing this story. The past 3.5 years sounds so challenging, and I hope you take some time for yourself and feel better soon. I think you should do what you think is best, because you know the situation best. I actually also have a cattle dog that we raised from 2 months...
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    Considering getting a blue heeler, but I’m not sure if we’d be a good fit

    @sincereseeker Yup. My city is full of dogs and normally we see dozens on each walk. And I'd often say to my heeler, while rain drips from my face and I can barely open my eyes, "well the street is empty and I don't see any of your doggy friends, but we are heading to the park still!"
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    Considering getting a blue heeler, but I’m not sure if we’d be a good fit

    @aristilis Agreed with multiple commenters here. Personally I think exercise needs -- going out at least 2 hours every day, regardless of weather, and regardless if you are sick or in pain (which the two of us have managed to do so far, but neither of us thinks one of us alone could do it) -- is...
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    Moving out and downsizing, how do you help your Cattle Dog live in a small space?

    @toneee Other commenters have given you good advice. I'd like to confirm -- it's probably OK to raise your ACD in an apartment, as long as you find your balance. We live in an apartment in a city, and our ACD boy has been happy and well-behaved. We take him outside 2+ hours every day with no...
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    How much do they really change around 1 year old?

    @mikail "tried it before"? Man... I get it it's a rather boring set of exercises to humans, but it's a long list of them, which, if practiced daily with dedication, could still take months to complete, depending on how quickly your pup can learn to relax. I doubt dipping one's toes in it counts...
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    Question about right time to neuter puppy

    @gabriel05 If you can keep a keen eye on him whenever he's with other dogs -- at least 1 year, prob better 1.5 years old; if there is risk of unwanted pregnancy -- any time now just as your vet said.
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    How much do they really change around 1 year old?

    @mikail Tried the relaxation protocol? It's a standard recommendation on this sub. You gotta teach the off switch. A few days ago someone posted a survey on how much our ACDs are exercising each day. Go there and compare the answers with yours. My guess is the level of exercise you provide...
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    Training help: Dog thinks recall command requires crotch punch

    @kathleenloveschrist Do the following: 1. Separately train a collar grab. Grab collar. PAUSE. Say "yes". PAUSE. Don't even reach for the treat pouch when you pause. Then reward. 2. Once he's OK with the collar grab, when you recall him, the moment he comes close you grab his collar. Then you...
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    Total Opposites

    @rosebuds1111 Thank you for sharing your story! So heartwarming to hear, and a great one for Christmas!
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    UPDATE: my 8-9 mo old ACD puppy is becoming increasingly aggressive

    @pt_barnum Thank you for sharing this! We at some point also had a trainer who put a prong collar on our boy. The way he screamed and looked at us imploringly when he first tried it was heart-breaking, even though he did immediately walk better. I also felt guilty this happened, and I went back...
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    Sending a rescue ACD to training

    @larymac47 Board and train, no no. Learn to train him yourself. Training is about the relationship, not the dog as a product. Same reason you can't send your spouse to a program and then harvest a better spouse, uh-hum.
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    UPDATE: my 8-9 mo old ACD puppy is becoming increasingly aggressive

    @cowboys73 Totally agreed. "Positive" in training properly mean "to add to", like a "positive" number. It doesn't mean "nice feelings" like in "positive" psychology. That said as long as it's not confusing I would also just say things colloquially even if it's not technically correct... I think...