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    I’m not a groomer, but I’m offering grooming to a training client due to her breeds and I have pricing questions

    @figg We charge starting at about $65 for American pittie sized dogs for a bath
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    [rant] You know who you are

    @chris_1989 It’s especially awful when it’s the first dog of the day. It sets my entire day back and now people with later appointments that come in on time will be out later than they should be. It’s extremely inconsiderate of absolutely everyone. Sadly, our salon doesn’t have a strict policy...
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    I’m sick of obese dogs

    @alexrcraig I understand. I use freeze dried chicken and kibble to train to avoid weight gain. Like I’ll feed my dog’s meal on walk or half of her meal.
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    I’m sick of obese dogs

    @cathya I think a lot of the time too it’s not walking them enough, and when they don’t go for walks or get enough exercise, the thought never crosses peoples minds to just…. not overfeed
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    What’s y’all’s biggest pet peeve?

    @devincamary Obese Goldens are the worst because Goldens already hate standing up
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    What’s y’all’s biggest pet peeve?

    @devincamary Obese dogs. I’m sick and tired of seeing a perfectly healthy dog become obese over time. They become awful to groom because they’re constantly shifting weight and trying to sit, and I just feel bad for the dog. Wtf is it with people thinking fat dogs are normal?
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    Those Who Have Left the Industry …

    @dante116 I think maybe if you work for yourself and are more selective of clients (no overweight dogs, MUST follow a strict schedule etc) it would probably be better…
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    I’m sick of obese dogs

    @xekuter Yes, there’s one doodle in particular that I am thinking of that started with us as a puppy and became so morbidly obese that he’s constantly panting, waddles when he walks, and is horrible on the table. It’s depressing to watch
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    I’m sick of obese dogs

    This is a rant/PSA to lurking pet parents: I’m tired of seeing dogs come in that are a healthy weight and then balloon over time to become obese. It can turn a dog that was perfect on the table to a dog that is in pain from the extra weight, constantly shifting their weight, trying to sit, and...
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    Staying in shape as a dog groomer?

    @ffm1967 My advice is to dial back. You’ll only hurt yourself by grooming that many dogs a day, without enough time to rest, stay in shape and take care of yourself
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    🐾 Reasons NOT to be a Dog Groomer 🐾

    @auwebber23 Or COMING IN LATE. Especially if it’s the first appointment of the day. Like hey thanks asshole you just pushed back my entire day
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    Advice needed: confronting groomer about damp dog

    @steveo It depends. Tbh we have a bather that’s…. Not that great and I have experienced her work first hand. Several times. This is not at all to say that every bather is bad. Some really are undertrained.
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    🐾 Reasons NOT to be a Dog Groomer 🐾

    @liorex Oh god that brings it back. I fucking hate working in dog daycares. It’s exhausting watching to make sure the dogs in the group aren’t going to kill each other and constantly watching body language so you can stop a fight before it happens. And dealing with people that think bringing...