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  1. T

    Has anyone done B.A.T. 2.0 with their reactive dog? How did it work out?

    @iconforhire Check out The Toby Project on Instagram. They’re also on TikTok. She does a ton of BAT set-ups with her reactive dog. I would loooove to do some BAT 2.0 but I don’t really have anyone to do the set-ups with. Since we have a good handle on my dog’s reactivity, I can’t justify...
  2. T

    My 1 1/2 yr old cattle dog is getting spayed at the end of the month. How do I keep her activity restricted for 7-10 days?

    @raindrops27 Ah yes, we are getting there with our MAS. He's about 15 months now and will snooze all day if he gets a moderate amount of exercise. It's a beautiful thing to see them start to mature and settle! But even at 12 months when he was neutered, the Trazadone was a life saver. He's...
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    My 1 1/2 yr old cattle dog is getting spayed at the end of the month. How do I keep her activity restricted for 7-10 days?

    @raindrops27 Well TBH, you may want to ask your vet for a sedative. Trazadone is perfectly safe, and it may be necessary for the first few days until you can get her out for a slow sniffy walk. Definitely try keeping her busy with enrichment activities all day long (scatter feeding meals is...
  4. T

    A dog teaches reactive dogs how to behave

    @cameos Yeah, agreed. I think there is value in using stable, confident dogs to help “re-socialize” reactive dogs. However, this dog in particular looked pretty nervous at points. Not fair to put him through this just because he’ll tolerate anything.