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    Accidental mating help

    Wanted to add that spay abort procedures are safer and cheaper the sooner they’re done, so go ahead and call ASAP to discuss this with your vet
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    “Wake up before your dog, it’ll help them sleep in longer” yeah thanks now he wakes up at 4:45am

    @libra111 Make sure your dog is not hungry, poops and pees before going to bed, dim the lights preparing the atmosphere for sleep, no excessive play before bed, have some rain sounds or wind noise playing throughout the night. Melatonin 30min before bed time, adjust for your dog's age and...
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    Getting a puppy was WAY more work than I could have ever imagined

    @jacob1234 Great job sticking with it! Dogs give us unconditional love their entire lives. You’ll make wonderful memories. I’m where you are now with our 8 week old Chow Chow. I have the scratches to prove it - but I wouldn’t trade her for anything!
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    Tomorrow we call the vet

    @3john3 Few questions because I'm curious about working breed mix: 1) Is he neutered? 2) Does he pee in the crate? 3) What's his exercise regimen? I know you said walking on shorelines. Does he do a lot of mental work by sniffing when going hiking or puzzle toys to get the treats.
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    My dog just scared off a burglar

    @asdfkasdf Glad to hear your dog was able to keep you safe! They can definitely sound scary when they want to! I think mine picked up on how nervous I feel sometimes living alone, she's very much in tune to who is outside of the house, and has quite the bark! Between her sounding like an angry...
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    Had to give away our 1 y/o husky mix. Feel awful:(

    @teofilus I think you did the right thing. And definitely don't feel like you wouldn't be a great dog owner. I can tell just by reading your post that any dog your adopt would be really happy for you. My mom was similar with animals while I was growing up but now she's better. But I think it...
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    6month old doodle got into my weed gummies vet bill 3500-4500

    @jjmaleyscw Very happy with pets best insurance! There are a few things they don’t cover for emergency like special food supplements and I think medication you give at home, but I’ve been happy with it so far. They process claims pretty quick and send payment in a reasonable amount of time...
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    Dog getting overprotective to everyone but my wife and son, really starting to worry

    @ejmom3811 lol no, it's not. It's an excellent way to STOP the dog from doing unwanted behavior. You want it to escalate, just keep ignoring it.
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    Too many bites - what do we do now

    @laurenalexylee It might be a good idea when you have guests over to crate your dog or put her in another space where she is separate. I know it sucks to not have the friendly family dog that loves everyone. I have a reactive dog as well with a bite history, I can’t trust him and I can’t trust...
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    Why do people feel the need to act like judgmental assholes toward people and dogs they don’t know??

    Can you please explain to me how this would be any better than "Your dog needs training"? And please don't think I want to stir up a conflict. I just can't understand how this is any better or different.
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    @jamn4god yak milk chews and fish skin treats keep mine focused (and not on me) for longer than a kong
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    Puppy will not settle

    @justalittleone I would highly suggest kennel training and ditching the playpen. A normal puppy should: Go out first thing in the am. Go back in kennel with a couple pieces of food. Have some time for yourself in the am. Get the puppy used to that. 1-2 hrs later (say 7am), take the puppy out...
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    I’m sick of obese dogs

    @alexrcraig Read the book, and do your best. As long as you start far away, you are going to be fine! BAT is super user friendly in my experience. With other methods, there are so many things that can go wrong, but with BAT you just might progress a little slower. I’m here if you have any...
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    R.I.P to my best friend Jake

    @hana14 So sorry for your loss. Grieve easy friend.
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    FYI for those who follow the r/reactivedogs sub…

    @deoxiclean No, he's just Andy all the time. He was especially bad for the first year. He was my fourth and I never had one this bad. We almost got rid of him twice. His trainer recommended a shock collar, so I got one. I mean, I can't explain to you how quickly it worked. He's only been...
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    [Discussion] Virbac C.E.T. Enzymatic Oral Hygiene Chews; Did they stop making these?

    @nafetsduck Wow thanks for letting me know! Yeah the tube is similar in size to mine. I was taken aback when it arrived. Oh man, definitely avoiding the Nutrivet brand. Thanks for letting everyone know.
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    Projected to be 94lbs

    @tifani According to this formula, my dog will be 47 pounds when fully grown. Yeahhhh, that's not happening. I don't know where you got this formula, but it doesn't seem accurate.
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    How many times have you accidentally cut your dog's quick?

    @saralynn1 Just did yesterday. She jumped when I was cutting. I felt absolutely horrible.
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    Reasons why I’m the asshole in my adolescent dog’s eyes today

    @hldawson3 I have two huskies and a wolf dog - they don’t know what indoor voices are
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    Adopter old shelter dog & daughter - 3 bite incidents

    @anazepereo The dog would be out of my house, period. I have a soft spot for shelter animals, but not at the risk of my child's safety. It isnt a worthwhile trade off for me.