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    Our favorite breed is in trouble

    @godsman82 You are correct. And there are quite a few people on this sub recently with litters, a few with the off-colours. Irresponsible people really grind my gears, especially when it impacts my beloved breed.
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    r/GSD, meet Simba

    @hanancristian Congrats on your new bestie! WOOF!
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    Seeking Advice - Cat fixation and pulling on leash

    @preetcher Find a trainer who teaches competition obedience and is familiar with GSDs. Harnesses TEACH a dog to pull by their very nature and haltis are for horses. There is a reason no competition obedience trainer in the world uses either. Best of luck. :)
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    Is it hip dysplasia or DM or something else? Please any advice…

    @david9873 This is a question for your VET, not reddit.
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    Advice on Newfoundland breeding, and general ethics

    @jessicacharlie First of all, I am not hostile. I am passionate about the dog world and all it entails. What DOES grind my gears is people who are going to breed their pet-quality dog and bring more mediocre dogs into a world that doesn't need any more mediocre dogs and are all...
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    Advice on Newfoundland breeding, and general ethics

    @jessicacharlie Reputable breeders want to improve the breed, or at least not make it any worse. BYBs don't care about anything but the $$$. If you are going to breed dogs of any breed, you need to start the learning curve. Have you ever read the breed standard? Do you even know there IS one...
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    Advice on Newfoundland breeding, and general ethics

    @jessicacharlie "Ethically" and "BYB" do not belong in the same sentence. Spay your dog and find a reputable breeder to align yourself with. You have a LOT to learn.
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    Is it normal for a prospective pup purchaser to ask to speak to the breeders vet?

    @jtanurdjaja I am not going to address whether this is a reputable breeder or not. What I will say is, this is a confidentiality issue and a reputable vet clinic will not give out or address clients' information with a third party, unless given express, written permission.
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    It’s that time of year… itchy skin

    @byron1661 Any kind of oil is good, from canola to fish oil, it all helps. :) WOOF!
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    Excessive panting and whining

    @tekela Take one of them to a boarding kennel STAT!
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    Would a GSD be suitable for my lifestyle?

    @mccree79 Most reputable breeders would not sell a dog to an apt dweller or a first time owner who wants a "guard dog".
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    Getting Started as a Breeder

    @jwfletch If you can't handle the care and training for 2 dogs you FOR SURE can't handle being a breeder!!! And as ultramermaid stated, it is much easier to start with a female, even consider buying one a little older and titling her. Having a stud dog is a tough gig! Most small breeders...
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    Neutering 4.5 y/o male

    @jennifer1987'll all be fine. Cheers! :)
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    Neutering 4.5 y/o male

    @jennifer1987 Make an appointment. Neuter the dog. Follow the vet's instructions. Stop obsessing, he'll be fine. :)
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    How did you learn/get into dog breeding?

    @keish62 Reputable breeders breed dogs to improve the breed, one litter at a time. You breed the best to the best and hope for the best. You don't mention what breed it is you're interested in, but whatever it is, you memorize the breed standard and go to shows, trials and other competitions and...