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    Food suggestion/ questions

    @common2man Read about how grain free can cause heart issues
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    Questions about flying w a dog and paperwork

    @tammy59 The health certificate might be to old for you to fly with. Call the airline and ask. I think it has to be issued no more than 72 hours before the flight. Not trying to insult you at all but it cant just be a receipt from the vet visit. It has to be an actual certificate the Vet fills...
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    A f*ckin MIRACLE

    @jaelhope Very happy for your dog & you
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    Questions about flying w a dog and paperwork

    @tammy59 The airline will ask for the health certificate when you check in. You have to go to a separate counter to check a pet. You will need to have your pet in the carrier so they can weigh them. Most airlines have a 25 pound max limit of dog & bag. A responsible breeder will have taken...
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    BuT iT's OnLy FiVe MiNuTeS

    @mari79 This person will continue to take advantage because yall let her get away with it. I openly admit I am a bitch and don’t let people walk over me. You get 1 free pass after that I am done with you. Groomers get numerous calls a day from new people…you don’t have to put up with the likes...
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    My 5 month old dog have parvovirus

    @kassi Take her to a different vet. When I worked for a Vet we kept parvo dogs on an IV. Most die from dehydration.
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    Neighborhood kids antagonizing my dog!

    @ocean27 Maybe take J out on a leash when you see the approach or be ready to for their return trip. Ask them if they would like to meet J. Maybe once they know him the will quit barking at him.
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    Shampoo Rec please! Weekly baths on a large dog

    @rlneub I have used Nova Pearls for years and used it in my grooming shop
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    Help :( What to ask when grooming a Havanese?

    @rickytheevangelist Next time ask for a bath & brush only and tell the NO TRIMMING except for feet & sanitary. Specify to leave they eyes 100% alone!!! I am really sorry they did this to your precious pup.
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    I got THAT doodle owner…

    @bigred78 I stopped accommodating these people. Matted it is getting shaved. Dont like that go to another salon.
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    Help :( What to ask when grooming a Havanese?

    @carl78 It is guaranteed income
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    Help :( What to ask when grooming a Havanese?

    @carl78 Not always. Offer a discount to give them a standing appointment of monthly or every other week. You get enough people to do this and you have just made your job a ton easier.
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    Help :( What to ask when grooming a Havanese?

    @gwsany I 100% agree with keeping a dog in full coat. I talked many of my grooming clients to do this and when other clients saw how great they looked they grew their dogs out also. Whats the point of having a beautiful Maltese or Havanese if you are going to chop all the hair off.
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    Help :( What to ask when grooming a Havanese?

    @oregongirl1 Groomers need to learn that not all dogs get a Teddy Bear cut! This seems to be all they are taught any more.
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    Help :( What to ask when grooming a Havanese?

    @oregongirl1 But you do not groom a havanese like this!! Groomers need to go to dogs shows to see what the breeds are suppose to look like.
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    What was the best/worst quote you heard from a client when they were told you’re booked this holiday season?

    @tini91 Family is coming they can’t see fido like this!
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    Difficult customer that always come back for regroom

    @whothat Clients like her are not worth the aggravation. Never have any appts when she calls.