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    @idrys It depends a lot on your water type and the dog’s individual coat needs. I find that Hydra Moisturizing line is a good starting point! I also love iGroom and Chris Christensen. I’ve actually got a person in my area who makes a brushing spray with goat’s milk and it smells so good and...
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    @christians8w Briards are supposed to be natural. Only thing that’s trimmed are their feet. It’s a lot of maintenance though. Depending on coat quality and lifestyle, you’ll be bathing about once a week. High quality shampoo, conditioner and brushing spray is a must. If you’re not wanting to...
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    *URGENT* Please tell me Im not crazy and this isn't normal!?

    @genna Yes, true lol! I always give a 2 week notice since it’s the polite thing to do. I try not to let shitty employers ruin my ethics. Also, some employers are “nice” and will pay you for the 2 weeks but let you go home. Or I use it as 2 weeks to find another job lol. Or it’s when I use my...
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    *URGENT* Please tell me Im not crazy and this isn't normal!?

    @justiniun Wow yea that’s not normal. It’s unhealthy for dogs and groomers. Also a waste of money for the owners. I’d explain to your boss what the problems are, what solutions you can come up with and how those solutions would benefit the company. If they decline, then you’ve got to live with...
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    Clipper Burn - Am I overreacting?

    @heaven91 It’s very choppy and there’s some hairs that were missed. Also, I don’t understand why the armpit area was shaved SO short and wide. Like the matting on a spaniel can’t be that bad. I have a Standard Poodle with 2-3” of hair and she swims everyday. I’m able to brush out her armpit mats.
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    Clipper Burn - Am I overreacting?

    @heaven91 Yea that’s pretty bad. That’s from the groomer poking the dog with the clipper blade. Like I’ve given myself similar marks when I’m cleaning my blades. But also, wtf is that groom lol. That looks just as bad
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    Puppy potentially needing surgery. Getting overwhelmed thinking of his aftercare

    @d3ottawa I just did TPLO surgery on my very young and very active Standard Poodle. I had all the same fears you have but I knew that she was in a lot of pain without the surgery, even if she didn’t always show it. Dogs are hardwired to not show pain, especially higher drive/energy breeds will...