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  1. X

    Hypermobile joints mean I can't be on my feet for more than 3 hrs - would a job dog grooming still be possible?

    @theberlintall Hopefully this doesn’t come across as harsh, I have juvenile arthritis and although it isn’t the most severe, I am very used to adjusting things around it and evaluating my own physical abilities. It is a very physical job, moreso I think than people expect. There are definitely...
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    Chart to show owners length?

    @fxxs I would say the main time I find it useful IS when you really need to make sure a doodle owner understands what a 5 or a 7 looks like! Corporate technically trains to show the length chart to every customer, and just… no, don’t. Lol
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    Looking for tips from other groomers who have dealt with Lagottos and their crazy owners…

    @kuurt My salon has had two Lagottos come in and both had to be referred out for sedated shaves, lol.
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    Chart to show owners length?

    @fxxs Faux fur, and it can’t be the super cheap stuff either (like the cheap trim from Michaels/hobby lobby) or it’s too thin and flat. You need a good thick pile. I work corporate and they recently sent us new fur strips to shave… but the fur is so cheap and thin it barely catches in the blade...
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    What do doodle owners mean when they say to not look their doodle too poodle-y?

    @braininvat If someone asked me for this haircut I’d die happy, lol! The only thing I’d change is you can just say ‘ears to leather’. I would write in my notes (length) body, lion tail, shave between toes. Mohawk, donut snout, ears to leather. Then the no cologne would go in the alerts lol
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    Puppy Program?

    @thejoshbro Would be absolutely lovely if owners go for it! Unfortunately so many don’t seem to understand that grooming is necessary period, never mind desensitizing to it, and I’m not sure anything would really change their minds when they don’t even want to book one appointment. I feel like I...
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    Looking for tips from other groomers who have dealt with Lagottos and their crazy owners…

    @sandhillsanglican Australian labradoodle people are also nuts. I’ve groomed maybe half a dozen of them now, you can usually pick them out because they ask for the ‘inverted V face’ lol.
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    Severe matting

    @flynn If they’re tight and close to the skin you run a very high risk of cutting her badly if you try and remove them yourself… and the vet bill would be much higher than the grooming bill too. Washing her will make them worse too. If you get her shaved in a 7 (buzz cut) you can go at least...
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    [rant] You know who you are

    @chris_1989 My favourite is when instead of apologizing they immediately start telling you that they’ve actually been standing at the desk this whole time!! And it doesn’t matter if there’s in fact been someone waiting at the desk, that kind of person always doubles down.
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    I cannot believe the condition she was in

    @gary987 Ethical doodle breeders are almost non existent. Most would say there’s none, but I’m sure there’s like 0.5% out there somewhere who are at least trying. AFAIK the ‘angel breeding program’ thing is nearly always a puppy mill - they use the dog being owned by someone else as an excuse to...
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    Some brushing questions from an overwhelmed doodle owner

    @thyda Doodles have the deepest armpits in the world. Some of them it’s even hard to shave out in the usual way one would shave armpits. I agree with other commenters that the armpits really need to be shaved, they mat easily and really can’t safely be brushed. You won’t be able to see that...
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    Are we crazy or are people tone deaf??

    @or19937 Cat customers are built different. You get nuts dog clients too but they’re nothing compared to like 50% of cat clients.
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    Do you think it’s cruel to muzzle?

    @xxyn I mean yes, but that’s the owner’s job. We can’t muzzle train the dog, and the vast majority of dog owners won’t do it even if you educate them.
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    I’m sick of obese dogs

    @mauricio512 Honestly old dogs getting a bit fat is one thing, it’s almost unavoidable for a lot of them! It’s when it’s a young healthy dog that’s barely out of puppyhood that it’s really like… oh man…
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    What blades do y’all use for reverse on dog

    @1joy1 It’s two lengths up, afaik (and I do reverse a LOT, more than most people I know). 3/4CC is a 3. 5/8CC is a 4. 3 is a 5. 4 is a 7. If you do a reverse with a 5 blade it’s more of a 10, that might be your problem?
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    Today a woman made a complaint about me

    @snorks4lyfe She would’ve complained no matter what, you did everything you could. And unfortunately corporate will not stand up for you. Whether it be that you should’ve stopped the service or refused the dog or whatever. They’ll do anything to please their shitty bottom of the barrel clients.
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    Grooming my own dogs…. Spoiler: groomers deserve 1000x what they are paid

    @theorange4 This is my assumption too. We’re pretty mixed in my salon on the amount of splinters we get. Sometimes I think it’s also if you have weird habits, like I kneel a lot and get splinters in my knees.
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    Noise complaints

    @walkinthewoods I’ve lived in many apartments and I absolutely agree! Not sure the neighbor will be that reasonable, but I really hope so.
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    What do doodle owners mean when they say to not look their doodle too poodle-y?

    @jp175 I’m also autistic (honestly seems to go along pretty well with grooming) and unless someone gives me to the letter instructions, I do whatever I think will look good. I’ve pretty much never had a complaint! Most people don’t know what they want. I do have a good amount of super specific...
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    I’m sick of obese dogs

    @beta2 Yeah… it’s the seeing it happen that really gets me. When you have a dog as a puppy (or at least under 2 years) and you get to see it as a beautiful, well proportioned dog in great condition for a few appointments and then they just start getting fatter and fatter. Aside from how sad it...