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    Is this another phase?

    @mwood Could be pain, or the start of resources guarding or both. Def take her to a vet and try to get a full work up to rule things out, try and push for both blood and a fecal test and whatever they can do for a pain check. You’ll want to look into safe resource guarding training and...
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    @arbiter No problem! It’s tough to know what associations we’re going to make for our dogs and though the negative consequences are not guaranteed, it is important to be aware of the possibility.
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    Dog suddenly aggressive @ 3.5 yrs

    @sjmc1993 Your dog needs to get checked out at the vet. This sounds like a rapid escalation of apparent resource guarding and could have a medical cause. Stop petting or approaching when he has food. Put him in a separate room and wait til he’s done if you have to. In fact start leaving him...
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    Advice on Senior Heeler Aggression and Roommates

    @obrolord That’s terrible. If straight talk hasn’t worked with them it probably won’t suddenly start to work. If there was a way to get them kicked out that’d be good, but of course I’m sure might not be financially feasible or something in your control. Don’t know why these people can’t wait...
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    @arbiter Well you shouldn’t punish growls in any manner for that reason as well. As for the cat, say your dog is just curious about the cat but you don’t want it near for safety reasons, so you use the collar when it gets close. Whether it shocks, vibrates, or beeps you’ve now added a negative...
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    What brand dog food do you use?

    @izakb Terrible poops on Diamond dog food and Purina One. Orijen Amazing Grains is working the best for us, poop wise. He did ok on Royal Canin Hydrolized Protein as a food allergy trial, but it’s slightly more expensive and it appears it didn’t help for allergies. We haven’t had any outright...
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    8 months - 28 lbs

    @markinsydney Could fall into ACD ranges in a couple months but sounds on the smaller side. But you have a mix so…there’s not gonna be a standard weight to compare to. An ACD mixed with a chihuahua isn’t going to be the same as one mixed with Labrador. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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    Growling problems

    @pomegranate427 Keep making sure the kids give space when this happens, and provide private space for the dog that kids know is off limits (a kennel, room, or bed). I’d keep an eye to see if she seems to be resource guarding anything—dogs can resource guard food, furniture, rooms, people. It’s...
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    Is BE the only option?

    @phyllis17 Some more details would be helpful, such as the circumstances and degree of the first bite, if the dog showed stress signals for that, etc. Also do you know their triggers? Is it territorial or something else? Btw our trainers told us that Trazodone (and maybe some other meds) can...
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    Is your dog affecting your decision to have kids?

    @dlmoodyfan Good on you for thinking about it ahead of time. Too many people think it will all be fine once it happens. And sometimes it is! And sometimes it’s not and you have to make hard decisions, and if you’re lucky and smart, those happen before some kind of incident.
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    Wanting to rehome my dog but feeling extreme guilt and sadness

    @tyleryhwh Is it the all excitement based (not aggressive)? What’s the hardest part for you to manage? Rehoming when something is not the right fit is not the worst thing in the world, especially if you can do so safely and believe the dog would also benefit. But depending on the situation...
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    Moving out and downsizing, how do you help your Cattle Dog live in a small space?

    @toneee Was the dog always out on the acreage? I think it will be fine honestly since you clearly know many ways to engage the dog mentally and physically. You’ll probably have to up the actual walks, might have to squeeze them in before or after work or during your lunch. I know all dogs are...
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    He's found his voice...and I may need new windows

    @simona111 I have a mix so it could be from the other breeds but he is deep af. Could come from a dog twice his size when he gets going.
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    Advice/encouragement on adopting senior ACD

    @trying1tohelp1 It sounds like you can give her a pretty solid environment despite some challenges. A 9 yr old, even for a heeler, may be starting to slow down and you should be able to compensate physical exercise with the mental stimulation when you have flare ups, and you seem very proactive...
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    Is my dog the problem?

    @acfjanine I mean the other dogs were pretty rude in this case. He warned the second dog for 15 minutes it sounds like. Wouldn’t you be upset too if someone harassed you and you told them to stop for that long? Dog parks are always great until they’re not. Your dog has matured into a dog...
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    What are your dogs' nicknames?

    Oh also Mr. Son, Mr. Boy, Mr. Handsome
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    @jinsun I was doing four months but might start doing every three. He’s had bouts of itchiness (probably allergy related, we’re on the food trial now), and I’m hoping getting cleaned more regularly will wash off some irritants and allergens. It’s expensive though so probably wouldn’t do more...
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    What are your dogs' nicknames?

    @calicoder2 Denver: Den-den, Dender, Der, Dender B. Friendin, DenDen Frazier, Son, Son-boy, The/Your Boy, Boy-son, Snoozler, and Doozler are the main ones? The last are for when he’s sleeping, and we also call him a Dangle-Doozler when he’s sleeping + dangling his head fully off his bed.
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    My landlord’s dog doesn’t seem to like me and it’s getting worse

    @mommy1234 Also in terms of ignoring also avoid eye contact as dogs and many animals consider it more of a threat/challenge.
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    Help!! Dog snapped at my son

    @cristian1980 But this was the second time this happened so he actually hasn’t always been good with the baby and shouldn’t have had that much access. Regardless, I’d look at re-homing as you likely don’t have the know-how to manage this in the time you’d need to do so.