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    Are harnesses good??

    @musha I don’t listen to people that advice prong collars. If you’re raising a puppy from scratch and need a prong collar to do so, I’d argue you’re an absolutely garbage dog trainer. (And the people I’ve seem recommending it call themselves dog trainers. Ludicrous…)
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    You expect me to believe that dogs are smart when my puppy has zero (0) lifetime wins against me and the leash but tries to pull away 250x each walk?

    @fire We do not crate, but I am also home all the time. And my "he's dumb as a doornail" is tongue in cheek :) I know he's testing boundaries. But he's so bright about everything else, it's just funny he's "feigning ignorance" at the rest somewhat.
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    You expect me to believe that dogs are smart when my puppy has zero (0) lifetime wins against me and the leash but tries to pull away 250x each walk?

    @fire He just turned 10 months a few days ago. It's supposed to be the start of a calm period, where he's easy to train. He was pretty good during this first phase of adolescence though, never forgot his commands or anything. But tricks is one thing, sit, down, stay's all that jazz, ez pz. Not...
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    You expect me to believe that dogs are smart when my puppy has zero (0) lifetime wins against me and the leash but tries to pull away 250x each walk?

    @libra111 Mine is so intelligent, except for the stuff where he doesn't want to do what I want him to do. There he's dumb as a doornail. I was told this breed aims to please. And then the trainers told me "oh that breed has a mind of it's own". Woo!
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    I’ve become a bad dog owner. They have become uncontrollable

    @canuckgramz What kinda equipment do they walk in? Maybe a front clip harness could help some? My dog hated to pull when front clipped. And I'd try walk them separately until they learn, cause I bet they just rile each other up together. The technique I was taught, was to simply stop, and wait...
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    I feel like my recall is rapidly declining

    @matthewlynn I didn’t work on recall much in the 7-10 months period. I didn’t want to shoot myself in the foot. If I did, it was only when I was pretty sure he’d listen. Just a time where they naturally won’t listen much. Have two different recalls though. One official, one casual. The casual...
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    help with bite inhibition!!

    @justanothername If it makes you feel any better, my dog was horrible up to 4 months, 3-4 being worst (it’s a challenge boundary phase), and at 22 months he has a super duper soft mouth. He got adult teeth 4-5 months old, and after that it was hard to care. Didn’t hurt as much anymore. I felt...
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    I feel like my recall is rapidly declining

    @lionofgod90 I’m still using treats at 20 months. I don’t feel adolescence is the stage to stop using treats.
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    My neighbours hate my dog, help?

    @pteriax I think barking is a problem that anyone has problem stopping well. So you're not alone, and your neighbours sound like assholes. I'm guessing you'd not be comfortable with clapping back "I have to walk him if you want him to be quieter you know". I've been the (silently though)...
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    My neighbours hate my dog, help?

    @pteriax Wouldn't walking him get him away from the neighbours for a time? And thus be a plus for them? Our dog barks a bit, but no more than all the other dogs around here. Our neighbour dog is worse (bad influence!). But as long as it's not ongoing for an unreasonable amount of time, it's...
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    You expect me to believe that dogs are smart when my puppy has zero (0) lifetime wins against me and the leash but tries to pull away 250x each walk?

    @fire Doesn't say much other than that it shouldn't be used if he's gonna get really dirty, and says as a seeling point he'll be the most stylish dog on the walk. Not the manufacturer though, I dunno if...
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    You expect me to believe that dogs are smart when my puppy has zero (0) lifetime wins against me and the leash but tries to pull away 250x each walk?

    @fire I feel like I overdo it with the treats and stuff sometimes, as I've always heavily rewarded things we're working on, and that I really want him to learn. But he's not a fan of praise/touch, and toys I'm not so fond of using, as he's not good at drop it. (Nor is he _that_ toy motivated...
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    Pros and Cons to crate training 9 week old puppy

    @katrad2011 The crate isn't a be all end all thing. Plenty of us never crate. You do what _you_ want to do. And given she's probably not crate trained yet, crating her at night is not a good idea imo. Crate train during the day, and always make the crate a nice place. I don't like when people...
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    You expect me to believe that dogs are smart when my puppy has zero (0) lifetime wins against me and the leash but tries to pull away 250x each walk?

    @fire Yes. He does amazing in the house. I've videotaped it and showed the trainers some weeks ago, and they're a bit preplexed he's so good at home, but so pling in the head at the course. But to be fair, we've not moved it into the garden all that much. So I'm doing that now that the days are...
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    Do y’all sometimes feel like you don’t do enough for your dog?

    @snw I used to at some point, but now I do less than ever, and he's much happier for it. (Still do _something_ cause they need stuff, but they also need loads of chill time.)
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    You expect me to believe that dogs are smart when my puppy has zero (0) lifetime wins against me and the leash but tries to pull away 250x each walk?

    @antonio13 I try some of the same things. Like call his name, do some commands once in a while. But he generally pays me little attention. He’s bonded with my SO, and only bonds with one person. Struggling like crazy on puppy course. Obsessed with sniffing. Trainers keep telling me to make...
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    Help!!! My 9 week old puppy won’t stop biting me

    @trang1966 I’m think a lot of us overstimulate our pups to a big degree. Too much play, too little chill time. But this is when you teach bite inhibition. And that takes time. Several months. But it’s an important thing to learn. When his teeth come in it won’t hurt as much anymore. So 4-5...
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    You expect me to believe that dogs are smart when my puppy has zero (0) lifetime wins against me and the leash but tries to pull away 250x each walk?

    @antonio13 My problem with this solution is that we want our dog to sniff around. We don't want him walking heel. (I mean, no harm in heel, I'll reward the heck out of him if he does it naturally, but sniffy walks is what we aim for.) I've been trying the slow down and stop way, doesn't seem...
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    I’m rehoming my puppy, I can’t stop crying I am devastated

    @unbakedpegga Once your life is back to normal and you and your cats feel relief, know you did the right thing for all involved. Enjoy your cats. Cats are amazing, and probably a far better Nd more appropriate pet for you than a dog. Now you know. And remember, nobody’s perfect. So don’t beat...
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    If this was your puppy, what would you do to stop these behaviors from becoming bigger problems?

    @reebern There’s a difference between positive and negative punishment. My goal wasn’t for him to not bite me either. Just to be more and more careful until he no longer did it anymore. I didn’t necessarily even need him to completely stop. He just has.