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  1. D

    my dog (5) is obsessed with a microwaveable heat pack and i don’t know why

    @savedbygrace11 I had one that was bananas for bananas, 25 pounds of mutt who’d try to jump tackle you for it. But right now I have a dairy dope, can’t leave anything dairy unattended, milk, cheese, ice cream… he’s in to it as soon as you turn your head.
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    my dog (5) is obsessed with a microwaveable heat pack and i don’t know why

    @jezyum Had a golden mix who’d only take one of a pair and leave them in random places, such as the middle of the living room. Never really hid them, funniest part is you’d also not really catch him with them.
  3. D

    Chart to show owners length?

    @solascriptura116 I love seeing this at the groomer. Gives a way better perspective on ½ in and ⅜ in.
  4. D

    Thoughts and info about free feeding and maybe also my situation?

    @bandiron The no contract is actually a good thing. The breeder can’t come after you for a breach of contract if you completely cut off access to the dog.
  5. D

    Thoughts and info about free feeding and maybe also my situation?

    @bandiron Do you have a contract? Cause your best course of action is do what ever the vet says to get her healthy and cut all contact and block the “breeder”, possibly keep a “burn book” of all the information and conversations you’ve had along with the vets work up and talk with animal...