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  1. S

    Do you get people asking for a reduced price because they have to drive to get a puppy from you?

    @stonewater Generally, the trip is irrelevant. If they don’t want to pay for gas or even a plane ticket they should get a puppy closer to them. You shouldn’t come poor-mouthing to a breeder. We are offering you the fruits of a LOT of labor and the expenses of health testing, stud fees, feeding...
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    Do you get people asking for a reduced price because they have to drive to get a puppy from you?

    @purpurin Yes this is what I’m trying to explain to the disagreers. Some people have needs that don’t align with the dogs that are frequently in shelters and it’s okay to get a dog from a breeder that fits into your life. But if you are going to do so you have to realize that breeding isn’t free...
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    1 year old (as of literally today) puppy just had her first heat, now my males are interested in her again?

    @davecb What do you mean they do nothing? They keep their penis in them. It’s never been a problem. But anyway, like I said they are separated AND have diapers.
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    1 year old (as of literally today) puppy just had her first heat, now my males are interested in her again?

    She is a toy poodle and had her first heat at 10 months old, which is a little early for her breed. I kept her separated from both my neutered and intact males until she showed no more signs of heat and they displayed no interest in her. In addition to being separated the boys were diapers when...
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    Do you get people asking for a reduced price because they have to drive to get a puppy from you?

    @jaketmores This is very true! The exception for me has really been people who want another dog of the same breed after one they had into it’s elderly age has passed away. They aren’t always in the position to afford a big discretionary expense all at once but…you can just tell the love and the...
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    Dog gave birth to a still born an hour ago and hasn’t delivered any others yet should I be concerned

    @gusbus It’s a huge misconception that nature will work itself out when dogs give birth. There are plenty of complications that require the intervention of humans. With a stuck puppy, you aren’t going to have time to get to the vet and save it so your best course of action is to try to pull it...
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    Do your breeding females eventually get cancer?

    @diancuk Oh yeah, the only argument that I have seen with evidence to it is that being spayed makes them more likely to gain weight due to a slower metabolism. Which is something you can control if you are a responsible owner. You cannot control cancer. Someone else on here is saying that...
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    Do your breeding females eventually get cancer?

    @diancuk I’m sorry you went through that. It’s a terrible thing to experience. It’s really too late to do anything about the risk for my breeding dogs at this point. They’ve all had multiple heats. I initially did not want to breed for multiple reasons, this one included, but my mom made that...
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    Do you get people asking for a reduced price because they have to drive to get a puppy from you?

    @judywalters Yes, there’s this aspect of it too. I worry a lot about the puppies. They wouldn’t exist if not for me so I feel a great responsibility to give them the best chance in life I can. That includes requesting they be brought back to me should the owner at some point have to give them...
  10. S

    Is it normal for a prospective pup purchaser to ask to speak to the breeders vet?

    @home4good Oh, I actually don’t see that vet anymore due to some things unrelated to the vaccine advice. Go figure. But I had not talked to my new vet about not vaccinating yearly.
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    Do your breeding females eventually get cancer?

    @lovinggod16134 Would you like to give me any actually helpful information or do you just want to criticize other people? It does me no good for you to just say “this is wrong” because assuming I believe that you’re right even though you did nothing to back that statement up I don’t learn...
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    Do your breeding females eventually get cancer?

    @marriage007 Oh no what I meant was I hadn’t taken her to get spayed yet because she is having her heat quite early for a toy poodle. I was planning to have it done next month before she turned a year old. I haven’t called and asked if they can do it during heat, I figured I might as well wait...
  13. S

    Is it normal for a prospective pup purchaser to ask to speak to the breeders vet?

    @cosimnot That’s good to know! My vet told us that tittering is more expensive than just doing the vaccines so we should do them instead, but I will look into that.
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    Do your breeding females eventually get cancer?

    @hovi Well, at least I am breeding them then lol. I have a 10 month old toy poodle puppy who I kept from a litter that I don’t intend to breed. I planned to get her spayed before her first heat, which for toy poodles is supposed to be between a year to a year and a half old but she’s having it...
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    Is it normal for a prospective pup purchaser to ask to speak to the breeders vet?

    @jtanurdjaja Yeah I’d find that a green flag from a potential buyer. I find it a red flag that they don’t take their puppies to the vet. I assume that means they are either sending pups home who have not had their first round of vaccines (which a breeder should be getting them before they go...
  16. S

    Do your breeding females eventually get cancer?

    @gideondavid40 That helps a lot, thank you so much!! It makes sense. My mom is a nurse and she’s seen a lot of human death over the years, including in hospice, and her mentality is that everyone is going to die of something at some point and it isn’t worth worrying about beyond doing the...
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    Breeder not sharing OFA reg #’s

    @pressingon2 Yeah absolutely that’s weird. I’m extremely open with potential buyers. Whatever records that exist, they can have. It’s only fair when they’re investing a big chunk of money, not to mention 10 to 20 years of their lives and emotional energy in an animal that they should have all...
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    Help gaining weight

    @nizz Oh yes, a c-section can mess things up. How well is mom eating and drinking? She needs calories and fluids to make milk. I bought milk replacement for my puppies when I thought mom had milk fever…turns out she was just dehydrated from making all that milk so I gave her the milk replacer...
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    Do your breeding females eventually get cancer?

    @bailey2017 I was asking about lifetime risk actually. I’m thankfully not completely dumb and uneducated and I know dogs aren’t getting breast cancer at 1 or 2 years old.
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    Help gaining weight

    @nizz It’s okay. I am a breeder and had an accidental litter (well, a single pup) this same way when my puppy was 7.5 months old. She had a silent heat and the male didn’t act at all interested in her when we were around. Which was all day because at the time my mom had a stay at home job. It...