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    Help! My dog ate a whole bag of cheese

    @omnifam Offer him some crackers when he wakes up
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    Seeing my dog for only one week every 3 months

    @prodigalchild87 Unfortunately they do not speak. I would go for it. At least your dog knows you aren't dead?
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    @nogueira527 I would try to write up a log of the times when you think your dog is unhappy. And write up what was going on at the time, esp focus on the senses. Noises, smells sounds. You are doing this in order to find out her triggers. Do you work from home? Leaving the ho.e may be a factor...
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    My dog bit me and I’m not sure if I should take him to the vet

    @andrewtlfc Take care of yourself first. Go see a doctor. Dog bites can be nasty. If your dog has had his shots it will be fine.
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    New puppy owner, NEED HELP!

    Cover you air vents for the time being. The process of house training can be slow - it was for me. Give as many opportunities to do the stuff outside as possible. I have a back yard, so I also did something a bit silly - I demonstrated what to do with #1. From everything you have written it...
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    New puppy owner, NEED HELP!

    @annointed620 Just want to add that grass eating is fine. Dogs need fiber too. Excessive eating is a different story. Btw, your dog throwing up every now and then is not a big deal. They pick up garbage, their stomachs get upset and they throw up. On the other hand, if your dog stops eating...
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    Yellow lab won’t eat

    @bornagainchristian1 If he is still eating you are good. How much the dog eats is up to the dog. My puppy used to have an insane appetite while he was growing up. He would inhale all the kibble given to him. Now his bowl sometimes sits full for hours. By the way depending on how much the dog...
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    New dog owner advice

    @iam815518 House training should be your first goal. Take him on LONG walks. When he does it's business outside, give praise, petting and treats. If you catch the dog doing it's business in the house, take it in the back yard (if available). As punishment, if you choose, you can give short 5...
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    My dog's temperament changed drastically after the older one died

    @katasamu Maybe you should consider getting a second dog again. You don't mention if the dogs stayed alone at home while you work. That can be quite stressful.
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    A question to all dog owners!

    @michaeltox What do you buy that your dog will not chew up and subsequently digest