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  1. P

    How did my pup's first groom go so wrong, and how do I prevent it in the future (without sounding like a total B)?

    @champollion I'm so sorry this happened to you! It is definitely not anything you did. I'm not sure what happened but it doesn't seem right to me that you thought you were making an appointment with one groomer and either they weren't honest about their skills or they had someone else do it...
  2. P

    E and C combs are not short!!

    @lutheranandproud I must just be getting lucky so far... I just did a doodle in a 1/4" cc today per owner request. She specified that she wanted to be able to see ticks and was pretty happy with the length when she picked him up. I did another doodle in a 7 a few weeks ago whose owner wanted "as...
  3. P

    Lies the doodle breeder told them…(feel free to add your own)

    @livelifeliving33 Ohhh I misread lol. I was gonna say I'm sure puppy coat is a thing. 😅 Funny how I read every one correctly except that one.
  4. P

    Lies the doodle breeder told them…(feel free to add your own)

    @junior2708 Is there really no such thing as a puppy coat though? ALL my clients that I've known from puppies have definitely had a change in coat texture and how easily it mats.
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    What was the best/worst quote you heard from a client when they were told you’re booked this holiday season?

    @tini91 I'm just somehow always surprised when people ask if we have anything "today". Nobody has that lol. And everyone is surprised when I say we're booking out until April already.
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    Please stop undercutting yourself. You're harming others

    @missjenjen18 I can relate to this WAY too much. I work in a tiny shop attached to another pet business. It is only me and one other groomer and I have another main role there that is not grooming. Well here I am, busting my butt but still taking 4 hours on a 20lb dog (including bathing and...
  7. P

    Please stop undercutting yourself. You're harming others

    @imagebeastmarkbeast We start at $40 for a full groom on a dog like a Yorkie. And yet, I can do a bath, nails, and ear cleaning for a medium sized short haired dog for $60 in half the time. It's backwards.