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    2 schnauzer incidents in the past 2 weeks! I’m beating myself up so hard. 🥲

    @kate22 God I feel ya! I’m just about done with corporate. I honestly could’ve prevented this incident today by not letting myself get overbooked and rushing through grooms, but you know how corporate is. Quantity, quantity, quantity…I’m gonna listen to the universe and limit myself to 4 dogs...
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    Had my first Karen today, feeling discouraged…

    @noel126 I’ll have to remember this for next time! Definitely a learning lesson on oodles LOL. Taking notes in our system to specify size would definitely prevent this from happening again.
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    2 schnauzer incidents in the past 2 weeks! I’m beating myself up so hard. 🥲

    @kate22 I couldn’t imagine not telling anyone! It would eat me up inside. I contacted the owners both times immediately - I feel like they really appreciate the honesty.
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    2 schnauzer incidents in the past 2 weeks! I’m beating myself up so hard. 🥲

    @pierrepierre Yeah :( I recently started commission based pay (I work corporate) and have been pressured to do 5 dogs since which is something I now know I just can’t do yet. I was so overbooked today. It’s like the universe was telling me “4 DOGS ONLY B1TCH!!!!!!!” and BAM! Ear nick.
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    Had my first Karen today, feeling discouraged…

    @preng Yup yup yup - I definitely agree. Definitely an unfortunate way to learn this lesson but I’m glad I did! For sure gonna be triple checking the pricing on every dog from this point onwards.
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    Had my first Karen today, feeling discouraged…

    I had an appointment booked with this “schnoodle”. I work corporate and the way our system works is it automatically generates a price for each breed and what I didn’t realize is this schnoodle was massive! Our schnoodle pricing is for tinier fellas, and I completely missed the fact that the...
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    2 schnauzer incidents in the past 2 weeks! I’m beating myself up so hard. 🥲

    Both of the incidents were ear nicks. I just feel so dumb right now. Of course it was the ear flap both times. I know these things happen as a newbie groomer and will probably happen again eventually. I’m glad I understand how to better safely handle ear trimming in the future. Still...
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    Grooming my own dogs…. Spoiler: groomers deserve 1000x what they are paid

    @motherhen What a great at-home groom! Before becoming a groomer, I would always do my poodle at home so I totally understand the struggle (and the mess it leaves behind LOL).
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    I have never seen a well-taken care of Puli

    @mabris that’s crazy, I’ve never heard of that!! i’ve always toyed with the idea of cording my poodle so i’ll keep that in mind LMAO!
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    I have never seen a well-taken care of Puli

    @mabris We don’t get a ton of Puli’s, maybe 2 or 3 that I’ve seen in my area!! All of them very icky. I’m in the Midwest. Makes sense cos it gets so chilly in the winter!!
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    I have never seen a well-taken care of Puli

    @4606 That’s such a great point!! A girl can dream though😭
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    I have never seen a well-taken care of Puli

    @carl78 god i cannot even imagine the stench 🤢
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    I have never seen a well-taken care of Puli

    @4606 cough lagottos cough LMAO
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    Couldn’t guarantee more than a 5, maybe 4 blade…

    @caferobusta I absolutely hate when someone without any grooming experience tries to butt in conversations they 100% don’t belong in. Matting can be deceiving. I’ve checked plenty of dogs in, felt their coats up n everything only to realize matting is present during the drying process. YOU have...
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    I have never seen a well-taken care of Puli

    @caroburgh i haven’t personally worked with one, but i live in an area where i see them all the time. im based out of a daycare and the puli owner here completely neglects the poor dog. i used to work at corporate prior to this salon and we’d get a puli nail trim regular that refused any sort...
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    I have never seen a well-taken care of Puli

    @stigss I would LOVE to work on a well taken care of one 😭😭 but unfortunately we only have the nasty ones in my area. I feel so bad for them, it must be so suffocating when the matting isn’t controlled like it’s supposed to be.
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    I have never seen a well-taken care of Puli

    @galacticcapybara For sure!!! Even smooth coats require deshedding and a good scrub every now n then. Plus, nail trims, teethbrushing, ear cleaning, etc!
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    I have never seen a well-taken care of Puli

    I swear these owners see Pulis as “so low maintenance” cos you’re not supposed to brush them. What they don’t realize is proper cording takes way more time than any brushing ever would!!! The amount of Puli owners that just let their dog matt up horrendously and have the audacity to say it’s...