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  1. D

    Methods on showing your dog you’re standing up for them

    @donica The more my dog saw triggers and reacted by barking/lunging, the more she has practiced this behaviour.:( And sometimes she might see it as the fastest, most effective solution, thus turning into automatic behaviour - as it has worked, since triggers have moved past us. This is when I...
  2. D

    Methods on showing your dog you’re standing up for them

    @zakknight Yea, this is also my first choice. However it’s just not always possible to walk away somewhere else. Or she’s already so fixated on trigger it isn’t possible to get her attention off of it, even by walking away. Thus a need for blocking the trigger.
  3. D

    Methods on showing your dog you’re standing up for them

    Hey, guys! I’m in an almost year long reactive dog raising, and one of things my dog trainer has said - it’s very important to let know your dog you’re taking charge of situation dog feels uncomfortable, scared, reactive. I’ll ask my dog trainer about my concerns, but I’m looking for support...