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  1. J

    Should i shave down my dog?

    @jesusisyahweh I'm so sorry for your loss;; sounds like shaving is the best way to go, and you can always get her cute sweaters in the meantime to help keep her warm. Depending on how bad the matting is you may be able to get away with just spot shaving the matted areas so she keeps the majority...
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    What question from owners makes you short-circuit at it’s stupidity?

    @trutheverlasting Or the people who refuse nail grinding, only want a trim, then the dog jumps on them at pickup and they loudly exclaim ‘OW!! Did you not cut his nails??’ yes I did.
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    oMg SHE’S so uGLy!! [rant]

    @sadie17 My favorite is rotisserie chicken (of course if I know the owner could handle it like you said, lol)
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    What’s you “I’m running behind” song?

    @maebee_so For me it’s usually just lap 3 mariokart music 😂😂
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    [rant] You know who you are

    @ahmed360 looks at my hand that got ripped to shreds by a puppy a few days ago well THAT would have been nice to know! 😂😭
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    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @satanworshiper666 Just the thought of doing that makes my skin crawl! EW! They definitely should have left it alone and recommended a vet. Paw irritation ja pretty common in poodle mixes but I’ve never heard of anything like this. So sorry you and your pup are dealing with this, definitely...
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    What’s y’all’s biggest pet peeve?

    @devincamary Owners- showing up early or incessantly calling, or when they (grown adults) start crying when they have to give me their dog. It’s a haircut. I’ll have them for like three hours. You’re fine, he’s fine. Dogs- For some reason when little dogs sniff me nonstop. Especially if they’re...
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    🐾 Reasons NOT to be a Dog Groomer 🐾

    @surrenderingtogod I was VERY nervous for the first month and a half or so especially, and needed help for almost all nail trims unless the dog was being like absolutely perfect for them, but even then I’d sometimes ask someone to watch me to make sure I was doing it right. I was very nervous of...
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    🐾 Reasons NOT to be a Dog Groomer 🐾

    @sam1986 Only a bather and still pretty new (4 months) and MAN i still relate to so many of these. Especially the dogs clawing your arms, walk-ins, and the “is my dog done yet?” phone calls after it’s only been an hour and I told them 2-3 at drop off.
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @christiangirl30 Same for my location. Weekends I usually make around $250-300 a day before tax plus tips. My ~$500 weekly is after taxes and 401k. My state’s income tax is pretty high. I also do 6 dogs a day on average.
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @christiangirl30 Part time about 24 hours a week I make around $500 after taxes on 50% commission, paid weekly.
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @genna If your management is understanding you can be part time. I’m also in school and am able to be part time as a groomer, even when I was a trainee.