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    How can I regain peace in my home? Advice desperately needed

    @lambrini Your poor, poor corgi. He’s living in constant fear and actually COMMUNICATING like dogs do. Your partners dog is a danger to your corgi and to the dogs in the dog park. Is your partner willing to give away her dog or at least stop taking him to dog parks so he can attack abs cause...
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    I’m sick of obese dogs

    @coreyw Insightful and thoughtful comment
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    Why does my dog lay on me

    @vigilantrogue Puppy pile! They love you and find comfort. I love it…except when his butt is on the side of my face lol
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    I’m sick of obese dogs

    @imagebeastmarkbeast THANK YOU so so so much!!! I find the reactive dog community in Reddit are just so nice, kind, and supportive! So neat to find one in the wild lol! It can be so lonely so your kindness means so much! I will def take you up in your offer ♥️🤗
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    I don’t know how to tell people [kindly] not to touch or command my dog at the park

    @starlyn Exactly! Said the same thing about renting a space but there doesn’t seem to much processing going on
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    I don’t know how to tell people [kindly] not to touch or command my dog at the park

    @starlyn I have been trying to explain this to the dude all day lol
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    I’m sick of obese dogs

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Thank you so much!! I hope I have the skills to do set ups but anything to make him feel more confident in his world!
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    I’m sick of obese dogs

    @imagebeastmarkbeast This is so funny, this comment popped up on my homescreen as I was searching for BAT 2.0 (right after I bought the book and was looking at videos): kismet!!! 😂
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    My boyfriend’s dog bit me

    @basefan Family Dogs shouldnt bite because someone is existing (not interacting with them) and is afraid. Anyway that’s not what’s happening: the dog is resource guarding your boyfriend. Look those powerful breeds can be wonderful BUT they have the capacity to be dangerous just because of...
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    I’m sick of obese dogs

    @steve333 Thank you!! I really am mindful to keep him healthy as possible and i feel so bad when I fail him, I appreciate the empathy!
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    I’m sick of obese dogs

    @dinhthaihoang Omg same! I look at him and think, noooo it’s not happening to you on my watch!
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    I’m sick of obese dogs

    @beta2 Our magic levels of treats: kibble, green beans, salmon skin bits and as we practice magnet hand - the stinky gravy of wet food on a spoon. All the stink fewer calories.
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    I’m sick of obese dogs

    @beta2 Can I add one other dimension? Trying to work through leash reactivity you use treats sometimes. My dog is little so the difference between 17 pounds and 19 pounds is healthy weight to FAT. And I measure out the food to use during the day. And even though I was using little bits of HIGH...
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    Why does my dog come to the backdoor as often as he does?

    @ramona78 He wants you to play with him! Go have fun
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    Share with me what you LOVE about your reactive dog

    @thankfulttt You both sound very nice and sweet, it takes a good person with a HUGE heart to notice those lovely things about another living being. I really want to give him a hug if he was comfortable with that!
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    I don’t know how to tell people [kindly] not to touch or command my dog at the park

    @aba1612 MANY dogs don’t like the tackling mounting play. Your dogs are not EVERY dog. What more is there to say? I like quilting and baking…since I LOVE it then you must LOVE it too right? It’s my past time so I MUST inflict that past time on you if you don’t care for it then you MUST be under...
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    I don’t know how to tell people [kindly] not to touch or command my dog at the park

    @aba1612 This is why I don’t allow dog parks. Owners more concerned about others managing their dog then their dog bothering and being rude to others
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    Legitimate Q.. how do people take dogs for a walk and keep their home clean?

    @alliah Not to mention the passenger side windows lol but worth it lol. I have this hammock like thing that protects the back seat and of course doggy seat belt
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    Share with me what you LOVE about your reactive dog

    @jacob86 😂 YESSSSS! And it’s noticing and appreciating this good stuff that makes dealing with the not so fun stuff bearable (he was barking his head off as I typed this btw lol). And I want my home to be a place of happiness as much as possible so if this relationship is making either of us...