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    How do I train my dog when we live with other dogs?

    @jc0912 yeah. that is tough. small steps with even the smallest sign of obedience getting positive reinforcement. Be patient and you'll find the steps will get bigger and bigger as she understands the concept of reward. Try with a empty food bowl and sometimes not empty so she gets a mind fack...
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    How do I train my dog when we live with other dogs?

    @jc0912 sounds like you ask the in-laws if they mind if you train D. Obviously food motivated so go from there. 4 yr old Kelpie BC mix can learn a long "down" "stay" with distractions. You have a big one there, good luck.
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    Unwanted help from roommate with dogs

    @monna159 Cheers to that..
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    Unwanted help from roommate with dogs

    @monna159 Good luck but the shock collar on YOUR dog, that would be the line in the sand. You sure she isn't the cause of her husband's fatigue?
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    Unwanted help from roommate with dogs

    @monna159 Move out. She got issues and they are about her not the dogs. She may be your friend but she can be a not living together friend. Sorry for everyone else in the house. Dogs as well.
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    Unwanted help from roommate with dogs

    @monna159 I'd let X look after her dog her way and you look after your dog. When X is home. But better would be a calm discussion with X and explain your frustration.
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    Will my rescue dachshund ever get used to small children?

    @tranquilcs you're doing it right. Hard not to punish sometimes but yes keeping calm is the better way. Sure others have good advice as well. One last thing,if he is a little worn out from a long walk or play session is he anymore chill around the kids?
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    Will my rescue dachshund ever get used to small children?

    @tranquilcs How soon after the noisy kid did he meet your nephew? Maybe he was still wound up. I would take small steps and gradually introduce them to each other with your boy able to escape the little human. Keep the first meeting super short,maybe a hello before he goes out for a walk...
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    Will my rescue dachshund ever get used to small children?

    @tranquilcs was your nephew crawling in your house or another house? going to another house is a sensory load and with a noisy kid thrown in maybe it triggered his poor experiences memory. I'd probably just keep him away from boisterous kids and see how he goes with kids being chill around...
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    advice please :(

    @blapakona77 not from the mean people, there are good ones here too. no pic of your pup?
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    advice please :(

    @blapakona77 it's Reddit and certain people take pleasure in dragging others down. Take what you like and ignore the numbers.
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    advice please :(

    @inspiredwalk yep, She will adapt pretty quickly. She already knows your smell and likes you so wear an old sweat shirt the next few days and leave it in her crate. She'll probably get some sense of security from that. Old sweatshirts cause she will probably also inadvertantly shit and piss on...
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    Partner too Harsh on Puppy?

    @torak_skye I think my husband’s approach is mean and bullshit. Nailed it. Do you have kids, cause I hope he isn't this much of an AH with them? Puppy now likely thinks walks are scary.
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    I need help with my almost 4 month old puppy

    @sweetzybitz sounds like the pup has been through a lot of upheaval in his short life. New house from a house he was abused at. New family with a new big dog in the yard. Does he have a timeout space away from the adult dog so he isn't constantly being stimulated? What does that look like...