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    Repeated Calls

    @godswillservices If it helps i only do it while im busy, so im not constantly disrupted. Not forever. I only forever block clients if i have fired them thoroughly and have let it be known to them that they no longer have access to me. It’s just a way to not be interrupted constantly.
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    Repeated Calls

    @godswillservices I don’t know if you have that option but I’ll literally block people for doing that.
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    I’m sick of obese dogs

    @beta2 I swear the majority of my time on Reddit is spent looking at what is supposed to be a cute post with me looking in disgust being like…your dog isn’t a chonk it’s gonna die
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    Stop coddling your dog! You're the problem, not them!!

    @gellmannamnesia You have got to start setting boundaries. Figure out your business policies and stick to them. No fucking way i would’ve gone into that house. Set a minimum trip fee so your time isn’t wasted, have her pay it and go. She can have the next patsy cater to her every whim.
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    This may be a silly questions but longer length on the legs grooms

    @kate22 2 lengths is the most proportional answer but of course adjust for client preference.
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    Need advice on switching over to 1099

    @savedbygrace71 Because your boss is trying to skirt the system by not paying taxes on you, it’s a shady move to pull and it takes away from every right and protection employees have AND you’ll get to pay all your own taxes on yourself as well as no protection. It’s not condescending to tell you...
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    Need advice on switching over to 1099

    @savedbygrace71 I don’t think you do because you literally cannot work for someone and be 1099. That’s illegally classified. The IRS has a full page devoted to the rules i encourage you to google it.
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    Need advice on switching over to 1099

    @savedbygrace71 A 1099 IS your own business. That is how it’s classified. You can’t work for someone and be 1099.
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    Need advice on switching over to 1099

    @savedbygrace71 Are you willing to start your own business?
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    Need advice on switching over to 1099

    @origamimaster81 It absolutely can be, but it’s best to check with a real lawyer/accountant to see your best option. I was able to continue under sole proprietorship, i also was considering an S-Corp. you just have to make the right decision for you.
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    Need advice on switching over to 1099

    @origamimaster81 You don’t have to make an LLC to start a business but yes to the rest.
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    Dogs grapefruit sized growth

    @solagratiaprosalute Absolutely not, if the dog is 15 and has a bad heart it’s doubtful it would survive anesthesia, why put it under for something not life threatening?
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    I have never seen a well-taken care of Puli

    @tmc1284 I think that’s why so many professionals don’t see cords (and handstripping) too often compared to other stuff. It’s SO MUCH WORK that paying a pro is ridiculous so most do it themselves to varying degrees of success lol.
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    I have never seen a well-taken care of Puli

    @svjoyner I won’t touch em. I have enough on my plate lol
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    I have never seen a well-taken care of Puli

    @svjoyner I feel the same about any rustic coated breed-they’re just doodle owners in disguise lol