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  1. M

    I’m rehoming my puppy, I can’t stop crying I am devastated

    @gmfdf Our shepherd/husky was like this! I was devastated when we brought him home because it was so much more menacing than we were used to. We brought a behaviourist into our home to observe and she basically laughed at us (in the nicest, most sincere, "bless your heart" way possible 😂) and...
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    PSA: If you’re on the fence of taking your dog to the vet, just do it. Don’t listen to the internet

    @duktape1121 That is hilarious! Ours joked about getting us a stamp card - 10 visits and your 11th is free! I think we've been there every second or third week since last November. Our guy is just chaos on four legs and always into something (most recently managed to get a foxglove seed lodged...
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    Vent on rehoming

    @l123 Considering how many people don't understand how to adequately care for a goldfish... please no!
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    Has anyone had to become a morning person for your pup?

    @revrude Yes! Our boy is really high energy and he’s always on. Occasionally we’re just not feeling it and he’s learned to adapt. If he doesn’t get his walk at the same time, he just rolls with it. Hell, this weekend it was just me and the dog. I wasn’t in a great spot and, apart from bathroom...
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    PSA: If you’re on the fence of taking your dog to the vet, just do it. Don’t listen to the internet

    @duktape1121 Although I always grit my teeth at the "Great news! Nothing is wrong!" call we get. Yeah, tell that to my bank account! (I love my guy and will continue to take him to the vet whenever I think he needs to go.)
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    BAT 2.0 for Friendly Frustration?

    @bladeofdeth1024 You need a trainer who specializes in dog behaviour.
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    BAT 2.0 for Friendly Frustration?

    @bladeofdeth1024 Lots of hard, consistent work. He's still a work in progress. Do not use a choke chain. They're not good tools. I suggest finding a trainer in your area that does not use aversive methods.
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    BAT 2.0 for Friendly Frustration?

    @jordan12 Our dog is an excited greeter and we’ve had tons of success using BAT. The idea is the same: reward the behaviour you want. Find the distance where your dog doesn’t react and start there (for ours, it was 150 feet when we started!). Every time he engaged (looked at) the dog and...