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  1. K

    Obsessed with my girl after 3 months with her

    @winnielt It's honestly so hard to do the things that are going to make your life easiest when you're tired! I slack off on trick training sessions when I'm exhausted, which means Cooper then has more energy throughout the day, ultimately making my life harder...I need to get better about just...
  2. K

    Obsessed with my girl after 3 months with her

    @sketchybuffalo What a cute nickname!! I love that, my bubba 😂
  3. K

    Obsessed with my girl after 3 months with her

    @clj93 Same!! I think mine is starting to understand what to do that just melts my heart, and gets her out of trouble 😂 she’s a clever lil stinker
  4. K

    Obsessed with my girl after 3 months with her

    She's the love of my life. I've already decided I'm buying a house for her (I mean, for me too, but mostly so she can have a backyard to run around in). She's my lil buddy for everything, to the point I have a hard time understanding when people don't love her automatically, lol. I love doing...