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    Came home from work and found out my mom shaved our Pomeranian :( I'm so sad please help!

    @sillypuddy As a general rule of thumb, first shave is free. It should grow back normally. Like others said, brush daily with a slicker. You can add a supplement to his food to promote healthy coat growth, too. For shedding, either brush daily with a slicker and comb, or use Furminator...
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    Is a #10 shave for convenience ok?

    @dtrpogod I was all excited to have my very own poodle to keep in fancy haircut. Do you know how LONG those take?! And so much brushing!! Ugh, pass.
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    Is a #10 shave for convenience ok?

    @dtrpogod I own three standard poodles, one is currently in prep for a show so had loads of coat. The other two get 10 stripped every few months because I don’t get paid to groom my own damn dogs. 😹
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    What’s you “I’m running behind” song?

    @maebee_so Depends on the mood. Often I’ll throw on a Queen playlist starting with Under Pressure, but usually I don’t stress about time. Stressing and pushing yourself to groom faster leads to mistakes and injury.
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    PSA to men who ask us groomers if they can get a haircut too, please stop. It’s creepy

    @bonitadan I just tell them I’m way better at dogs than humans. Best I can do for a human is one length and that will probably be short.
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    How to apologize to my groomer for an accidental no-call no-show?

    @aazae17 Always food and/or Starbucks. Call me up, apologize, and ask when a quiet time would be to stop by. Offer to pay their no show fee (chances are they’ll waive it since you offered, I do, especially if food is involved.) and bring donuts, crumble cookie, Starbucks, gift cards, literally...
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    What do doodle owners mean when they say to not look their doodle too poodle-y?

    @daniel001 No idea. Often I find it means no shaved face, clean feet, or over the top style. When they say it all snarky and mean I point to my standard poodle and remind them that I’m a poodle person. I’ve weeded out most of my dumb doodle owners and have ones that either know what they want or...
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    Would you..

    @mccra76 Refuse, DOCUMENT IT ALL. Take photos of every inch of that dog. When they leave a bad review, simply post the photos and explain why service was refused.
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    Would you..

    @mccra76 Assuming this is a salon that is not attached to a vet, then yeah, get that out of there. You’d have to have a serious discussion with the owner and have in writing that they understand the severe condition the dog is in, and maybe you could continue, if you’re comfortable. Other wise...
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    Q: why was my fluffy dog given a buzz cut?

    @redruthie7889 Ask the groomer. Either he was matted, which the groomer should have said something and received permission, or they just decided to ignore you. Can we see photos? A 4 on the body is about a 1/4in, I’ve had owners decide that’s a buzz cut. Did they do a 4g instead of a 4 blade...
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    Affordable Brush Alternative

    @natalia2019 CC is expensive because they last longer on average than the knock offs do. My CC is going on 4 years, the Zolita one I bought didn’t last 6 months. There was a batch that came out defective at some point that garnered a lot of hate for being fragile, but I’ve not found that to be...
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    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @satanworshiper666 Ask what they soaked his paws in. I can’t think of anything that would peel off cracked or dead skin on a dog that’s not a chemical peel. Be sure the vet provides detailed documentation as to the diagnosis and treatments, with prices, and speak directly to the groomer who told...
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    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @satanworshiper666 No, this isn’t normal. Tidying an excess of keratin is something I’ve done, but never peeling pawpads. Anything that’s caused bleeding is cause for concern, and you should address this. Honestly this is one of those times I’d collect vet records and show the groomer what...
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    Clipper Burn - Am I overreacting?

    @eurombrem That was my thought too, the marks are evenly spaced in every instance, but I doubted myself because they’re so wide, like in the first photo near the armpit. Maybe a brand new wide blade? But still, how are they chewing up that much skin repeatedly.
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    Need some advice on difficult dogs!

    @weepingsinner7 A groomers helper, and a full set of muzzles. The GroomersHelper is pretty useful, it’s a loop and clamp set that connects to the grooming arm. It’s not perfect, but it helps keep snappy dogs pointing in the right direction. An e-collar is also useful to redirect biters. When...
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    Clipper Burn - Am I overreacting?

    Tacking on, some of those scratches could also be from a too sharp back toe nail or badly trimmed nails and the dog scratching herself, which still begs the question of why she would be so itchy now after the groom.
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    Clipper Burn - Am I overreacting?

    @heaven91 Clipper “burn” isn’t a burn, it’s scratches from poor blade handling. The groomer dug too far into the dog when they shaved her, usually this happens when they are rushing or the dog is super wiggly and there’s matting. There’s zero excuse for brushing this off, it should have been...
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    Let's talk sprays. Finishing, scissoring, drying, texturizing, etc

    @gifford26 Nope, it sounds like it wouldn’t be diluted enough. I’ve never had an issue, I use their texture spray, Detangling, and the magic boost.
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    Let's talk sprays. Finishing, scissoring, drying, texturizing, etc

    @gifford26 I use iGroom magic spray for most things. Crown Royale for my poodles, CC Ice on Ice for long hair double coat breeds, Just Devine for fluff brushing. Everything is diluted as far as it will go.