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  1. W

    Our Christmas success was actually… really sad

    @fanna ❤️❤️ you’re so welcome. Wishing only to best for you and your pup(s). Happy holidays and I hope 2024 brings you many breakthroughs and little successes!
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    Our Christmas success was actually… really sad

    @momo34532 That was exactly it. The mountain man is a dog lover who was really eager to earn Strider’s trust (didn’t happen lol). Every time he approached, my boy would turn and look at me like, “Can I fuck him up?” The answer was, of course, no. But he asked. For the first time ever. It was...
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    Our Christmas success was actually… really sad

    @bushido8000 Thank you for saying so. I don’t think I’m necessarily sorry it happened — though I’m sorry that he has such big emotions and doesn’t know what to do with them — as it’s changed the way I see him. I think we needed this. I’m so glad you’ve enlisted the help of the VB and it’s...
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    Our Christmas success was actually… really sad

    @jamesbond004 I have two and I’ll never own another breed. My first one is 7 and has been the easiest dog ever. Obsessive, high energy, intense, but just wonderful and no behavioural problems. BC #2 has been… a challenge hahaha. But other than the reactivity (and how he plays with my other BC —...
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    Our Christmas success was actually… really sad

    @joyathome He has made such leaps and strides. He had a great Christmas and it’s such a pleasure that he’s at the point where he can have positive experiences with my friends and family. Thank you for your kind words!!
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    Our Christmas success was actually… really sad

    @starlight11 This is so nice. Thank you for saying this! He is my absolute shadow and is obsessed with me, and I with him. ❤️❤️
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    Our Christmas success was actually… really sad

    @ezrael Honestly. My boy is a long haired BC with the goofiest expressions and the biggest puppy dog eyes. Does NOT look ferocious until a trigger comes around. I almost would rather have a “mean” looking dog so people would leave us alone, but I guess that’s what the muzzle helps with lol.
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    Our Christmas success was actually… really sad

    @frostice ❤️❤️ he’s a good boy for sure
  9. W

    Our Christmas success was actually… really sad

    My boy (3y/o, border collie) has been getting better and better as he gets older, but he still does NOT do well with new people in his space. Well, for Christmas we had 11 people. He knows nine of them, so while he was wary, he was fine with them once he recognized them all. Well, two were...