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    5 month old puppy very congested

    @heisnowhere Glad he's feeling better.
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    5 month old puppy very congested

    @heisnowhere Is he vaccinated for kennel cough? Has he had any interaction with other dogs or areas dogs might congregate, like a dog park? That would be my first guess considering his age. It might also be allergies to the spray. Animals can be very sensitive to those. If it's kennel cough...
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    HELP! Dog has open sores that won’t heal and have spread over entire body

    @gods_kid33 If you haven't already, find a dermatology specialist vet. I hope you are able to figure this out.
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    Thoughts and info about free feeding and maybe also my situation?

    @bandiron If you bought the dog, it's yours. You can do whatever you want. Ignore the breeder and listen to your vet. Since you have only had the dog a few weeks, I wouldn't be too worried about supplementing to speed up weight gain. I would offer a measured amount of food and offer it twice...
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    Diabetic Dog Refusing to Eat

    @sebastian589 Take her to the vet. She may need her insulin adjusted. Are you able to do glucose readings at home? Her presentation now sounds like how she was originally diagnosed. She may need to be evaluated again to make sure the current regimen is working. Or that nothing else is wrong.
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    Neutering a chihuahua (mutt?) at 2yo?

    @orangeseer Vet tech here! Neuter your dog. There is no link between neutering and heart disease. Yes, neutered dogs often require less calories. That just means you may need to feed less afterwards. The best way to prevent obesity and it's related diseases is to monitor your dogs weight and...
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    How do I clip a rowdy German Shepherd’s claws?!

    @juco Go to a vet, and have them done there. We know how to restrain a dog and have muzzles and calming medication. Unfortunately, all the behaviors you are describing are warning signs for a bite. Don't be so sure your dog won't bite if they are growling and bearing their teeth. If you...